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Time skip for the funeral
I wear a black dress and tie my hair in two plaits. I don't bother putting on makeup because if I cry it'll probably just all come off. Thomas walks in the room wearing the same magenta suit but black. Alexander follows behind him wearing the same but shorter and thinner. He can tell I'm worried about going to the funeral and he hugs me without warning. "It'll be okay." He assures me touching my shoulder. I force a thankful smile and nod. "Okay okay enough of the love come on. Let's go already!" Thomas smiles folding his arms. Alex folds his arms and glares at him. I just laugh and walk out with Alex following behind me and Thomas in front. We step in the black carriage outside and it carries us to the forest where the casket is laid. I swallow. I would never have thought it would be my own brother in there. The man in the middle just talks about why we're here and all that and then it's Alexander's turn to give a speech. "I may have never been his biological brother. But he was a great one to me. I know how he helped Y/N get through the day." He looks at me. I grab a handkerchief and wipe my tears out my eyes. He continues. "He was a great joy to everyone. There was never a dull moment when he was around. He would forgive everyone for everything because he was a laidback guy." We all nod and he steps back. "That's all." He says and Eliza puts her arm round him. "Next up. Peggy Schuyler, John's wife." She steps forward and Angelica encourages her. "We all loved John a lot. He was a caring husband, a great brother and an amazing best friend."
"Oui." Lafayette whispers. Mulligans is just looking down at the floor. "I didn't really have time to prepare anything since I was in so much shock. But all I need to say is John was the best husband I could ever have and you're the luckiest person in the world if you got to know him." She steps back and Angelica hugs her. "Y/n, John's sister." I step forward. Don't cry Y/n. Don't cry. "John Laurens. How do I even start." I laugh a little with a shaky voice. "He was fun and all that stuff. Now of course I'm not gonna act like he was a boring guy because that would be lying. He was more than that. He was the guy who you could count on for a laugh. Every day I would come home and there would be John making up jokes. He was the best. One of a kind, some would say." I step back hugging Alex. "Marie Joseph Paul- Mulligans stops him. "He has a long name. Just call him Lafayette."
"I apologise. Lafayette and Hercules Mulligan, his best friends." They both step forward. "John. Mon ami. We have so much to say to you."
"Yeah. You helped me through everything man!"
"Bye John Laurens. We will miss you." They both say.
I laugh shakily and they step back. The funeral is over and everyone lays flowers around his coffin.

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