The War has begun

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Hey guys let's just say Washington is still general and president at the same time and the cabinet battle is before. Also not all these events are actually historically correct sorry :(

I come downstairs and see President Washington inside the house. This shocks me. "P-president Washington! What are you doing here?!" He laughs at my shocked face. My two brothers exchange nervous glances. I raise my eyebrow at them. "Well-
"We're going to a war!" John exclaims. I gasp. "A-a war?"
"John! I was supposed to tell her too!" Alex folds his arms angrily.
"Okay I really don't care who told me. Please someone just explain." Alex sighs and puts his arms on my shoulders. "I'm sorry Y/n. I know it's disappointing. But we want our country. And we have to fight for it!" This was not the thing I wanted in the morning. "You can't go!" I yell. "What if you get killed?! I'm gonna be all on my own!" I'm on the verge of tears now. "And John! Your wife! And Alex what about Eliza?! And I'll miss you so so much! You can't just drop out and go to a war just because it seems exciting!" John scratches his neck. " see..we kind of have to.." John tells me.
"Who said you have to?" I put my hand on my hip. They both look over to Washington and he frowns at them. "Look Miss Laurens- I run towards the stairs. "No. No. Don't even talk. I've heard enough." I say without looking back and running up the stairs.

John's POV
We both glare at Washington grumpily. He puts his hands up in the air. "What? Don't look at me! You guys are her brothers." We run up the stairs to find Y/n standing at the door.

Y/n's POV
"I'm gonna miss you so much!" I cry and hug them. They hug me back awkwardly. "Sooo just to confirm..we are okay to go right?" John asks. I nod smiling. I look at Alexander sobbing into his coat. "Alex what's wrong?" I ask.
"It's sadder than Romeo and Juliet!" He says sniffling. We all laugh. "So I'll be alone huh." I say sighing. Alexander dries his eyes and grabs my shoulders. "I forgot! Y/n you're gonna love this! You're moving in with Mr Jefferson while we're gone! Oh and don't worry Peggy'll be moving back with the Schuylers." I jump in the air happily. "Oh thank you thank you!" I shout screaming of happiness. They both laugh and say "No problem." I hear a footstep. "Alright gentlemen! Time to go!" Tears rise in my eyes but I wipe them away. "See ya bro." I say to John and point at him with gun fingers.
"Right back atcha" He says back. Alex just hugs me. "Bye Y/n. I've loved meeting you. And if I'm gone forever just know that I love you so so much even if we aren't biological siblings." A tear rushes down my face. "I love you too." I tell him.
"Sis. I don't care if I die. Because it's to save you. You're a great sister and I've enjoyed my time with you so much. You're the best sibling a man could ever ask for and just know that okay?" I'm crying even more now. "Wow John. You're the best. I love you John. Just don't die okay?"
"Me? Die? John Laurens in the place to be? Nah nah. I'll be fine sis. I'm like a knight. I can take them all down no problem. And I'll end slavery for you." I laugh.
"We'll never be free until we end slavery!" We shout at the same time.
"Alright come on! Faster!" I hear from downstairs. They run out the door and I run behind them. They walk outside and get in the carriages. I wave to them and just like that, they're away both waving at me as they travel out of sight. Thomas hugs me as I swallow away the tears. "It'll be okay." He tells me.

Hi it's me Y/n. And before I continue any of my story. I just want you all to know something. Something hit me at that moment. The world was telling me to move on. To grow up and create my own life. Because I'm now the leader of myself. 🌎

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