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My eyes flicker open. I look down and see Thomas is carrying me across to my hotel. "Thomas! What are you doing?!" I cry. He continues. "You fell asleep on the boat. Then we got to Paris so I just carried you away." He tells me. I smack myself in the head. "Oh I'm so dumb..." I mutter. He laughs. "Well..I got to carry you again. So that's a bonus."
"Oh shut up you macaroni obsessed guy." I groan. He bursts out with laughter again. "Well at least I'm not towered over by Thomas Jefferson." He says. I try folding my arms but then remember I'm still being carried by him. "You can put me down now by the way." I say trying to get out of his grip. He puts me down on the floor and I walk with him. Eventually, we see the large hotel in front of us. We walk inside and Thomas gets us in with his money and stuff. "Let's go then shall we?" He offers holding out his hand for me to take.
"We shall." I reply walking upstairs to the hotel room with him. We walk inside. It's beautiful. The walls are white and the bed is also white and soft too with a blue and red blanket covering it at the end. It's got a bathroom and a great view out the window. We can see the Eiffel Tower! " is it?" He asks me looking at me for an answer.
"Amazing." I reply looking up at him. We kiss. "Alright. After we unpack, we're going up there." He points out the window to the Eiffel Tower. I nod.

Mr JeffersonWhere stories live. Discover now