Alex's big mistake

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Hi guys. I AM SO SORRY ABOUT NOT PUBLISHING. Yeah I've been really busy lately and thank you so much for the reads!!!! I can't believe it! But yeah..let's get on with the story!
"Thomas Jefferson..this isn't real right? This is a prank isn't it." I say to him in shock. There's no way Alex would cheat with this random girl to leave Eliza. Eliza's amazing and Alex knows better than that. Thomas shakes his head guiltily. I immediately walk to the passage and grab my coat. He stops me. "Wait! Where are ya going Y/n?" He asks holding my arm.
"I have to go see Alex." I reply running to his house. I don't stop. I pass the trees, the lake, the seaside. I pass everything until I finally get there. "ALEXANDER HAMILTON! I KNOW YOU'LL BE HIDING HERE! WHERE ARE YOU?! AND WHERE IS ELIZA?!" I yell. I am absolutely furious with him. He walks in. He looks miserable. His eyes are smudged and puffy. I kind of feel bad for him. "Sorry. Alexander? I've heard the news. But how could you do this? People were staring at me on the way here." I told him, more calmly. He frowned. "I know. It is terrible. Eliza's worse trust me. She's not here by the way. Sorry Y/n." He said. I folded my arms. Well, he is my brother. "Okay. Fine I'll forgive you. But don't you dare tell Eliza I'm doing this!" I demand. Alexander laughs. It's good that I made him a little happy again. Thomas walks in. "Not the time." Alexander shouts. I smile. "Alex, who was this girl?" I ask. He frowns. "Maria Reynolds. She was-
I cut him off. "Yeah okay. If I get stared at, this is your fault!" I tell him, putting my hands on my hips. He puts his hands up in the air. "Yeah I know. Will you talk to Jefferson though? He keeps bugging me about it." He asks me. I nod. "He has? Okay." I reply.
"Thanks. Well, you best get off now then.." He says. I walk out after saying "Bye!" and meet Thomas at the door.

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