Au revoir

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I watch Thomas as he reads the letter in shock. "What is it?!" I exclaim excited. He folds his arms. "Aaron Burr." He says.
"What about him?" I ask confused. He looks down across at the floor. "He wants to run against me for President. For gods sake." He mutters. My eyes widen in shock. "You're running for President?!" I yell.
"Mhm. Listen Y/n, we have to go back." I sigh and look at him with pleading eyes. "Do we have to?" I ask sadly. He nods and holds my chin. "We'll come back. I promise." He whispers. I try frown but I can't. It's too hard to not smile while looking into his eyes . It's weird. I never used to get feelings for people like this. I used to think it was a waste of time. And now look at me, I'm married to a southern guy who my brother hates and my other brother 'disliked.' "Okay." I say through my disappointment. Stupid Aaron Burr, making me leave Paris. My brother was right. He is annoying. I mean, maybe that's just cause I'm mad at him, because I don't really hate him usually. But still. "Okay. Let's pack I guess." He groans folding his arms. "Burr is an idiot." I hear him mutter under his breath. I laugh quietly.

We finally finish packing and walk to the boat. "Well. Guess this is it then.." He says walking on the boat after looking behind him. I follow him doing the same. "Goodbye Paris." I whisper.
"Goodbye Laf." He whispers more quietly. I feel confused, but I don't mention it.

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