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Hey guys. I just wanna tell you about the new character for this chapter to change the life of Jefferson and Y/N. So basically, Jefferson has an enemy with a British soldier as he is enemies with a lot of British soldiers and people. It doesn't matter that much but anyway his name is Mark. He's about the same size as Jefferson and yeah that's it. Ik it's weird (this chapter) but this is the only chapter like this unless you want more if u do just comment lol. Okay enough of my rambling let's move on

Mark's POV
I smile menacingly. Mr Jefferson has a lady. What a lovely way to trick him into coming to me. I own a house in New York. I will trick her into coming there and then get Thomas to come. I begin writing a letter.

Dear Y/n

I am a friend of Thomas's and he has asked me to invite you to a meal with him and I. I hope you would attend and if so my house is opposite yours. Just look out your window and my house will be there. Hope to see you there tomorrow at 12.

Yours sincerely,

Mark Lucyfern


I look at my letter and smile. I adore spending time with Thomas. I will definitely go. I run downstairs. "Hey Y/n!" Alex says waving at me. I say hi back. "Hey Alex. I'm meeting a friend tomorrow!" He smiles at me and laughs. "Alright."

Time skip to the next morning
I try to dress casual and put on my normal dress I would wear everyday. I have separate ones to wear for each day. My hair is brushed and my teeth are white. I'm ready to go. I run downstairs. "Bye Alex!" I say as I walk out the door. He looks up from his newspaper and waves goodbye to me with a mouthful of cereal. I roll my eyes and smile. I run out the door and walk past the drive up to the grand tall house. I don't understand how these houses are so big. The man is already at the door with a smile on his face. "Miss Laurens! Please, come in." I step inside the house nervously and sit down. "You have a delightful house Mr Lucyfern." I tell him shaking his hand. "Thank you." He replies. I look around confused. "Where is Thomas?" I ask.
"Oh he's running late." He says. "Cup of tea?" He offers pleasantly.
"If it's not too much trouble."
Mark's POV
I walk into the kitchen and laugh silently. I make the cup of tea. Little does Miss Laurens know, this tea is special. It is used to cure stress but I am using it differently. The tea I am using this time is called Chamomile tea. Once the person drinks it, they shall pass out. I pour the tea in making sure to put extra to make the effect last longer and weaken the lady. Once I have finished, I bring it in and hand it to her.

Y/n's POV
I pick up the tea. It smells delicious. I sip it politely. "You may drink more if you would like." I drink it, feeling a bit heavy after the first sip. I fall back. "Sorry. I'm not feeling well. I should really-
He puts his hand on my lap and I struggle to lift him off. My head feels heavy. "Goodnight Laurens" I hear up close and soon after my eyes close and everything goes blank.

Mr JeffersonWhere stories live. Discover now