Revenge for Mark

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"Wake up y/n! I've made breakfast!" I hear as my eyes open.
"No please Thomas. Don't make me." He chuckles and pulls me off the sofa. We hear a knock at the door. "Oh shoot." I say and immediately get up and flatten my hair. He struts towards the door singing to himself. "Mr Madison!" He exclaims. "What brings you here?" Madison shakes his hand and mine. "I heard about your engagement Miss Y/n. Congratulations." I look at Thomas with a questionable glare and he holds up some paper and pen. He's written to him. "Thank you Mr Madison." Thomas sighs. "You're so formal Y/n. Just call him James! You don't call Angelica Miss Schuyler!" I laugh at his frustration and nod. "So anyways, some advice from me would be for either of you to inform Mr Laurens and Mr Hamilton since they are your brothers. Do this via letter and make sure to tell them carefully. Thomas, you aren't really their favourite person." Thomas smirks and I glare at him. He immediately stops. "I'll do it" I say. He nods. "Alright. It's been a pleasure to talk. Goodbye Thomas and Y/n" We wave as he walks out the door and closes it behind him. "Great! Now I can go back to sleep!" I say playfully and he picks me up.
"Not so fast N/n!" I scream and laugh as he carries me towards the table. "I can walk myself you know." I say rolling my eyes.
"I know. But you're not going back to sleep." He tells me as I sit down. He begins opening a letter that he got through the mail and gasps. "What?!"
"It's from President Washington. Apparently they're fighting ten times harder for Mark Lucy-fern. And this other letter here says, your soldiers will pay for your horrible actions."
"Who from?" I ask.
"A British nurse who was also his wife. Ann Lucy-fern." I gasp like Thomas but then snigger. "Like they'll win anyways." I say smiling. "My brother John. He said he'll take them all down. And trust me Thomas. I know John. He's a talented man." He laughs and nods like he understands.

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