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"Shh. It's okay" He says as he strokes my hair. I look up into his glistening eyes and fill with hope. He smiles at me and says "I love you" Happiness rushes through me and I hug him tight. He laughs at me and tells me that I'd better go. I run out and go as fast as I can to get to John's. When I walk in he's panicking and I stop with tears in my eyes. "Y/n!" He says and holds my shoulders. I look at him sadly. "I'm really sorry" I tell him nearly crying. Angelica walks up to me. "Look Y/n. We really hate Jefferson you know? And..we understand you love him. But he might just take you and treat you like dirt." She tells me with a guilty look in her eyes. I step closer to her. "I know I know. But you don't understand! He's a great man and he's fun to be around. And yes he may be a little selfish in politics. But at the end of the day, he's a great man with a great heart." Peggy opens her mouth to speak, but John stops her and says to me. "I know and it's okay." He tells me smiling. I hug him crying. I thank him with a whisper. He laughs and looks down at me. "Hey no problem N/n" That's when I know everything is okay. When he calls me my nickname it means he isn't mad at me and he loves me. A brotherly love that you get when you feel happy about your sister or brother.
Hey guys. So it turns out I might not have enough time to post two in the morning and afternoon. So I'm switching it to one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Sorry :)

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