The engagement

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Sorry this is like a 5 month time skip and everyone feels better now
Hey guys. So basically now everyone's okay again now and Alex has moved back in with Eliza and Peggy is living with Angelica and her husband. And Jefferson and Y/n are living together but Alex is just visiting them. Okay that's it. Enjoy!

Thomas and me sit down on the sofa. "When he comes I'm telling him." He says folding his arms. I bite my lip. "Do you have to tell him?" I ask frowning.
"Well..unless you wanna do it?" I shake my head and he laughs. I sigh. "Fine. You can tell him. I still can't believe you said it was for 'a gift for being so amazing.'" He smiles proudly. "We're an amazing match." I roll my eyes grinning and hear the doorbell ring. Thomas gets up but I stop him. "I'll get it. He's my brother after all." He nods. I run to the door and Alex is standing there. "Y/N!"
"ALEX!" We both hug each other and laugh. "Come on in!" I offer. He walks in and shakes hands with Thomas trying to be nice. "Thomas."
"Mr pen." Alex slaps his hands down. I knew it! You're still annoying!" He smirks and I glare at him. "Sorry about that Alex." I say.
"It's fine." He says. Thomas lays out drinks in front of the sofa and beckons us over. "Okay Hamilton. Sit down." I shiver. I hope he takes this well. Alexander takes a seat and drinks his wine. "Me and Y/n are-
"We're engaged!" I blurt out.
"My god Y/n!" He sighs.
"Oops..sorry." I go red and cover my mouth. Alex spits out his drink. "You're WHAT?!" We both nod. "Y/n, do you realise that what you're getting yourself into? This guy could go off and engage to anyone and any lady would say yes." He states angrily. I fold my arms. "Alexander! I chose Y/n! Not any lady!"
"You guys-
"Oh shut up Thomas."
"Excuse me?" They're getting on my nerves now. "GUYS!" I yell. I've got both of their attention. "I CAN'T SORT THIS OUT IF THE TWO OF YOU ARE ACTING LIKE 7 YEAR OLDS FIGHTING OVER THE LAST CHOCOLATE BAR!" They both gulp. I smile. "Okay! Now I've got your attention, Alex I'm sorry. But I love Thomas and he loves me! And we want to spend our lives together! And I'm sorry but if we want to do this there's nothing you can do to stop us. And Thomas! Stop acting so smug. You're just gonna get on his nerves! Stop being so annoying for once!" They nod. "See this is why you should of told him." Thomas complains.
"Well I sorta did." I laugh a little.
"On your own I mean." He grunts. Alexander frowns. "I's fine I guess.." I hug him and he wraps his arms around me. "I'm sorry. I should of explained it a little more instead of yelling." He smiles. "It's fine sis." He replies.

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