Mr Jefferson

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"Burr wait!" I shout to him seriously. He turns around and walks back to me. "What do you want Hamilton?" I roll my eyes. "Stop calling me that." I tell him. "I want to have a deal with you, right here. Right now." Burr chuckles in disbelief. "You? Want to have a duel with me? Now?" I nod. He finally catches on. "But you didn't even come prepared. And I just killed your precious 'brother.' Are you sure I won't be able to kill you too?" He sneers. I want to scream at him. "He just died out of sympathy for you. He felt bad you were so unskilled." I say to him. I try to believe that, but I know it isn't true. He laughs again. That stupid, annoying laugh. "No, he was just weak. Like the rest of you and your pathetic little friends and family. I mean, look at John. He couldn't even protect himself from getting shot by a useless british soldier. Very pathetic, he always was." He keeps droning on. I lose it. I pull a gun that I have in my pocket out in fury. Burr smirks. "Oh, game on." He says. And there we are, duelling. We turn around. I start to count in my head. I don't need a second or anything like that. I don't need a doctor. I don't need a friend. I am Y/N Laurens. I can do this. So why is my heart beating so fast? One. My dead mother's face appears in my mind. "You can do this Y/N, my little girl." She says, in my head. Two. Then Angelica. "Go on girl. Do it. Do it for you." She tells me. Three. Eliza. "Come on! Make us proud Y/N. Be your own second." She encourages. Four. Peggy then appears. "Do it for me and John Y/N." She smiles, and I smile. Peggy's smile is contagious. Five. Then it's Lafayette. "Go on mon ami. You can do this." Lafayette is always so confident, I need to follow. Six. Mulligans. "Go on man! I made a dress for you. If you don't do the best you can you're letting me down. You can do it Y/N!" I laugh silently. Seven. Alex. The one and only. "It's okay. Just shoot the guy. It's not that hard. Trust yourself Y/N. Trust me. Don't throw away your shot." He tells me. A tear runs down my face. "I love you Alex." I think. Eight. It's Thomas. "I love you. I believe in you. Come on my princess, you can do anything." Come on, let me do this for Jefferson. Nine. I get my gun ready. But then someone appears. It's John. John. "John!" I whisper. He grins. "Awh, you're so amazing Y/N. Do it, go on." I shake my head. I can't do this. I can't shoot someone. "Go on Y/N!" He shouts. I tremble. "Try if you really care." He says. This pushes me. I turn around, raise my gun to the sky, and then there's a bang. I gasp. I put my hand to my stomach and when I look back at it, there's blood everywhere. There's no way. I collapse to the floor. I look up. "" I whisper. He looks down and walks away, in shame. I can tell he feels guilty about it. I try to get up, I can't. "Please..just let me go." I think. I try to push myself up but I can't. I just have to lie here, dying. As I slowly suffer, a man runs through my mind. He was there for me every time I felt down. He would take a bullet for me. God, he would probably even shoot a bullet at someone else for me. "Mr Jefferson.." I whisper weakly, as I gasp for air. I begin to lose all my senses. Goodbye Mr Jefferson. I love you.

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