Jefferson's house

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"My name's Thomas, by the way. Thomas Jefferson. Pleased to meet you" He says.
"Well same to you Mr Jefferson. My name is Y/n L/n" I reply shaking his hand. Jefferson looks around then back at me. "Listen. This might sound weird..but are you free to leave? Like this ball?" He asks me nervously. "Well.." I look back at John. "Can I just tell my brother I'm leaving first?" I ask him.
"Hey. Of course. Go ask. I'll wait right here." He replies. I run over to John. "Hey John! Is it okay if I go over to this guy's house? He's really nice and funny." I ask him happily. John laughs and says "Ooh! So who is this guy then?"
I think "I think he said his name was..oh sorry! I forgot! Do you want me to go back and check or-
"No it's okay!" He tells me. "Just go. I'm sure he's a great guy to come to your liking" I smile gratefully. "Thanks John"
"Hey no problem" He says and pats me on the back.  I run back over to the man and he grabs my arm. "Let's go. You're gonna love my house. I like to call it, the Jefferson mansion." He says as we walk out.

Mr JeffersonWhere stories live. Discover now