Cabinet battle

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Y/n's POV
I wake up with Jefferson smiling and looking down at me. "Mr- I mean Thomas!" I cry realising I had stayed all night.
"Calm down my princess." I sigh. "Thomas! If you call me that, people are gonna think we-
Thomas pulls me into another kiss then after a few seconds pulls back and smiles at me. "You're so clueless Y/n" he says laughing. "I. Love. you." I blush and my eyes widen. I nervously laugh. "I'm sorry you what?" He rolls his eyes and wraps his arms around me. " you too Mr Jefferson." He lets go of me and says "If you want I can give you a ride on my horse back to your home."
"Of course. Thank you." I sit on top of the horse after Jefferson. I'm behind him. We ride back home, past the beautiful grand trees and the emerald coloured grass. Finally, we arrive at my home. "Hey, should we tell everyone about us?" Jefferson asked helping me off the horse. We hold hands and I reply "After the cabinet meeting okay?"
"Okay" He says and lets me go. As much as I hate to leave him, I walk back into the house. "I'm so sorry! I didn't realise the time and-
"It's fine!" John laughs. "Mulligans and Lafayette told me so I didn't worry" I glare at them and they wink. "Oh. What did they say?" I ask trying to act normal.
"Just that you were staying at the woods overnight alone because you liked the nature!" I sigh of relief. "Hey Y/n! Are you coming to the cabinet battle today?" She asked happily.
"Did Thomas not bother to tell me?" I thought. I sigh and force a smile "Of course." Alexander (I call him my brother because he is like one to me and John) puts his arm round me and smiles "Jefferson is gonna get ruined" He says proudly. Oh no. They hate each other. What am I going to do? I nervously smile back at him. I normally have to look up because I'm smaller than the others. Peggy is only slighter taller than me.
Time skip to the cabinet battle
As I walk in with my family, Jefferson walks over to me and hugs me. "You came! Thanks princess" He says. John walks up to us and pulls me away "Leave my sister alone Jefferson. I give him an apologetic look and he smiles. Mr Washington walks in and I look at Alexander with my eyes wide. He laughs. I've never met anyone as important as the President before. "Audience, please sit down." He orders. He is a tall man with shaved hair and a shaved beard. He wears a black coat similar to my brothers' . We sit down in our seats and I feel fear. John notices. He puts an arm round me and whispers to me "It'll be okay." Jefferson is speaking first. I frown as he insults Alexander and John looks angry as he is glaring at him with a menacing look on his face. "But you get all mad when I crush on your sister!" I hear him say.
"I'm gonna go" I whisper to John. John looks at me apologetically and tells me it's okay. I discreetly walk out.
Thomas's POV
"Hey. Can we take a five minute break?" I ask after seeing Y/n walk out. Washington nods and I run out after her.
Y/n's POV
I feel a tall man running towards me and I stop but don't turn around. "Hey. You okay?" A familiar southern accent asks me. I immediately know it's Thomas and say "I'm fine Mr Jefferson" He knows something's wrong because I usually call him Thomas now. I feel water rise up in my eyes and begin walking away. "Y/n wait a sec okay?" I hear him shout from behind me but I continue walking away with tears rolling down my cheeks. "Please! Come on N/n." I still ignore him walking faster than before trying to get away. I feel him running after me quickly and I doubt I will be able to get away because he's much faster than me as well as stronger and taller. I run and he becomes too close for me to run. He picks me up and I squeal. "Mr Jefferson! Let me go!" He ignores me and continues carrying me back to his and Mr Madison's office. "Please?" He ignores me again. I sigh. He takes me inside his office with Mr Madison waiting inside smiling. He puts me down. "You idiot!" I yell. I can tell he and Mr Madison are trying so hard not to laugh by the look on their faces but they know I'll walk away again if they do. "Why did you even bring me here?" I say. As they are about to speak. I try to run out but Madison blocks me. I try climbing out the window too but Jefferson does the same. "You're so funny when you're mad." He tells me and laughs. I glare at him and he says "Okay, Mads, you tell her." He locks the door and nods. I fold my arms. "Me and Thomas would like to apologise for our behaviour. We should not have included you in our argument." He tells me with a serious look on his face. Jefferson walks up to me. "Yeah. I'm gonna work it out with your brother and I'm still arguing with him in meetings, but I'll not involve you." I raise my eyebrow. "I promise" He says and walks closer to me. "I'm telling them after the meeting okay?" I sigh and nod. Madison grabs his pocket watch and looks at the time. "Thomas. It's time to go." He says. Thomas walks towards Madison and before leaving he winks and says "Bye princess." I blush.
"Hey Thom-
"Yeah just wait here"
I sit down on the chair and read until he gets back.

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