Y/n's coming home

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As me and the men run outside I hear sirens and we explain the incident to the police. Luckily, they completely understand so we are allowed to go back home. We walk back. "Now you know." Jefferson says to me which makes me confused. I turn my head to the side confused. "I've proven my love to you." He says smiling as he holds my hands. Madison steps out of the telephone box. "I have rang the Laurens and told them what happened" He says standing smartly like always.
"Maybe they'll respect me more now" Jefferson chuckles smiling broadly. I roll my eyes smiling. I walk towards my house "Bye Thomas!" I shout. He laughs. "Bye my princess." I hear from behind me. I run in and everyone hugs me tightly and I feel like I'm gonna suffocate. "Okay okay. Please a little lighter." I whisper laughing. They let go and a million questions come at me. "Okay okay one at a time please!" I shout over all the questions. "I thought he was a friend N/n"
"I thought he was. It turns out it was a trick. And every friend of Thomas is a friend of mine. But it was his enemy sadly."
"Mon ami. Are you okay?" Lafayette asks me concerned.
"Yes Lafayette. Thank you for your concern. Anyone else?" Angelica hugs me again. "I'm so glad you're okay." I smile. It's wonderful knowing that people care about me. "I'm glad too Angie." She lets go of me happily. "Of course she's okay. My little sis can get through everything easily. She's a strong girl. Not in the body. But in the mind." I giggle. "Such strong words John." I say imitating a posh accent. He laughs elbowing me lightly. "Time flies. You should get some sleep it's late Y/n." I sigh and nod. "Alright. Goodnight everyone." I say walking up the stairs.
"Goodnight!" They all call back

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