Time to prepare!

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I hear banging on the door. "ONE MINUTE!!" I yell as they keep banging. Thomas chuckles at my frustration as I walk towards the door and open it. "What on earth do you-
I then realise it's Lafayette standing at the door in his usual blue coat. "Oh it's you." I say. He grins. "Sorry N/n. I'm here for Thomas?" I nod and Thomas walks over. "Oh Thomas. He's here. I presume it's time for you two to go out then?" I say checking the time on the clock. They nod. "Well then. Bye Y/n!" He says kissing me on the head. I look up at him. "Bye!" I say back as he walks out and away with Lafayette. I close the door and sit down. As soon as I get out my book, I hear another knock at the door. "What now?!" I mutter. I open the door and when I see Angelica, I immediately snap out of my grumpiness. "Hi Angie!" I smile. "Hello Y/n." She smiles back. "Ready to go?" She asks taking my hand. I nod and we step out and into the carriage.

Time skip
Once we arrive inside the wedding store, we start looking around. "Thomas is fine with Amy colour theme." Angelica tells me.
"How about crimson?" I ask pointing to the stack of crimson themed decorations.
"Omg yes!" She squeals. I laugh and we run over to it. We pick up all the decorations that are crimson and put them into the bag. "Let's go. Once we buy these, we're going to the tailors." She tells me as we walk over to the counter. Angie pays the man. "Hold on! It's my wedding. Do you not want-
"It's fine Y/n." She says cutting me off. I shrug as the man hands her the decorations back. "Let's go!" She says pulling me to the tailors. When I look at the tailor, I realise who it is. It's Hercules Mulligan. "Well well well. This for the wedding dress with Thomas?" He greets me teasing. I laugh folding my arms. "Yes Mulligans." Angelica stands behind me and puts her hands on my shoulders. "Crimson themed." She tells him. He nods and studies me putting out his hands in a camera shape. "Hmm I think I've got a good idea. Okay just let me design it." He tells us. He draws something quickly. "Okay obviously you don't look exactly like this. But this is the dress." He pulls out his drawing.

The dressI gasp

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The dress
I gasp. "It's beautiful Mulligans." I tell him and he laughs. "Glad you think so." He replies. "Alright then. Stand up on here and we'll get it fitted." I nod and climb up the stairs. He behind measuring and fitting on my dress.  Once he has finished, I look in the mirror. "Amazing Mulligans. Truly amazing." I remark. Him and Angie both laugh. "Alright then. You can go change and I'll give you the dress. Changing rooms are over there." I walk towards the changing rooms and change out my dress. Once I have changed, I hand Mulligans the dress. "Great. Hand over the cash." Angelica hands him the money laughing. "Okay then! Bye Mulligans!" She says pulling me to the door. He waves and I wave back struggling because of Angie pulling me away. We walk home.

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