Oh my god!!

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I knock on the door biting my nails. "Come on." I whisper fidgeting. The door in front of me is eventually opened by Angelica. "Y/n! Come on in!" She squeals. I walk in and Peggy is sitting on the couch reading like always. She gets up from her seat and hugs me. "Y/n! I missed you!" She cries. I smile. "Where's John?" I ask. John Barker Church is Angelica's husband. She doesn't actually like him very much though. However, her dad insists she needs a husband. "Ah, John." She frowns. "At work." I give her an apologetic glance and we sit down. Peggy puts her book to the side and they both look at me. "So? What's the surprise?!" Angelica asks grabbing my arm. I bite my nails and sigh. "Well..how do I say this?" I look at the floor studying the outline to distract me from my nervousness. "Me and Thomas.." Peggy and Angelica gasp and hug me. "Did you break up?" They both ask in unison. I shake my head. "No! No. We..we're engaged." They scream of happiness and I laugh. "It wasn't a present after all. I knew it! Pay up Angie." Angelica groans and gives her some dollar bills. "Hold on. You guys were betting on my relationship with Thomas?" They nod smugly. I roll my eyes. "Can we tell Eliza?" Peggy asks me hopefully. Angelica nudges Peggy. "Peggy! Let her do it. It is her engagement after all."
"No it's fine. Peggy, you can tell her." She squeals and Angelica sighs. "She's so childish." I giggle. "Tomorrow we're going to the tailor's." She says. "Then the wedding store."
"Fine but don't you think Thomas would want to decide some parts of the wedding too?" She nods. "That's why we split up some parts into two! There's two wedding stores and two clothing stores." I raise my eyebrows. "We?"
"Yes we. I knew you were coming so I actually had Lafayette go to Jefferson's." That's clever. "I must be going back now then. See you tomorrow?" She runs and picks up a telephone. "Wait hold on!" I can hear a French accent speaking on the phone. "Alright thanks Lafayette." She puts it down. "Alright then!" We both walk to the door and Peggy follows behind. "Bye!" They both say as I walk out. I wave and go into my carriage.

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