Love in the woods

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Thomas's POV
When Y/n had gotten back home. I felt horrible. I had made her upset and the worst thing is, I made her cry! Never make a girl cry is a very important thing to have in mind but I made that mistake didn't I? I really hope she doesn't hate me now and I had no idea she was a Laurens. It's a bit sad because every Hamilton is friends with a Laurens. However, that didn't stop me from loving her. Day and night I would worry that she would never come back for a week. Eventually, the day has came. I ride on my horse through the woods.I ride past coloured leaves and tall green trees when I hear a beautiful singing voice. As I stop riding, I also hear birds tweeting and butterfly wings flapping. I walk slowly towards the voice after tying up my horse to make sure it doesn't run off and finally see what the voice is. It was Y/n.

Y/n's POV
I stop singing and look down from the nature above me to look at Mr Jefferson. "Mr Jefferson! You gave me a fright! I didn't see you there!" I say. My h/c hair is swaying in the wind gracefully. "Well I heard your voice. And I thought I would follow it. And Y/n, I'm so sorry for getting you into so much trouble. I didn't know" I interrupt him saying "It's okay Mr Jefferson. How are they gonna stop me from seeing the people I wanna see?" I look at him smiling. "First of all, just call me Thomas. No need to be formal around me. And in that case" He pulls me to the ground and we both fall on the leaves. I squeal as the trees around us whistle in the air. "Thomas! What was that for?" I tell him laughing. His face shows a serious sort of smiling look and he pulls me closer towards him as we sit up. He holds my hands and says "For this" I feel confusion and before I could say anything back, he kisses me. After about 5 seconds later we hear a familiar voice and a whistle. "Look what I found mon ami!"
We then hear another voice say "Oooh! The love birds have entered the woods!" We pull back and look over. We then see Lafayette and Mulligans staring at each other. "Were you two just kissing?" Mulligans teases smiling. "Yes we were" Jefferson replies winking at me. I glare at him and elbow him in the ribs but he feels no pain. Probably because he's much taller and stronger than me. "Shut up Jefferson!" I whisper to him. Mulligans and Lafayette laugh walking away. "Wait! Please don't-
"We won't tell John" They shout without looking back. We stay for ages not realising the time. Later we sit next to each other, watching the sky in silence.
Thomas's POV
I hear a thump on the ground. Worried, I look next to me and realise Y/n is asleep on the ground. I smile and move her head so it rests on my lap. Every lady adores Burr, people like Hamilton's knowledge and I'm the cool guy who everyone has fun around. Hamilton and John may think I'm annoying, but I love y/n and nobody can stop me. I put Y/n back on the floor and sit next to her resting her head under mine. Eventually, I fall asleep sitting with her.

Hi! Hope my 3 readers 😅 are enjoying my story so far. I'm trying to add chapters daily even though nobody probably actually reads this anymore anyway but it's fun so yeah. I hope you enjoyed Jefferson being added and I'm adding on more chapters soon so bye everyone!

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