It's time to go

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My eyes open and I see that I'm in a familiar room. It's John's room. There's something different. It's lighter. I see John looking over me. He grabs my arm and helps me up. "John!" I say.
"Hello sis." He replies smiling. I hug him. "I missed you." I tell him. He smiles gratefully. "I missed you too Y/n. But you have to go back." Tears trickle down but they turn into tiny drops and float away. "Why did you have to die. And how." I say gulping.
"It was my time N/n. You have to understand everyone dies at some point. They always have their ending. And my ending was because of a mistake I made in a fight. So I must have it now. And didn't you hear from Alex?" I nod. "One more question?" I ask. He puts a hand on my shoulder. "Depends what it is." He replies.
"Where am I? Is this real?"
"A dream sort of. You're passed out really badly. You have to wake up though. Wake up for your family, for Thomas." I raise one eyebrow. "I thought you hated him" We both laugh and he touches my hand. "You have to go N/n."
"But what about you?" He smiles sadly. "I'll be alright on my own."
"Alright" I say. He holds my hands. "Goodbye Y/n. It's time."
"Goodbye. I love you."
"I love you too." The words echo around me my eyes closing.

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