Ready for the ball

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Time skip to the next day
"Someone's at the door!" Peggy shouts from downstairs. John is still in his room writing a letter to Alexander so I run down. "I'll get it!" I say and open the door. Angelica is standing there in her usual peachy dress. "Y/n!" She shouts and runs to hug me. I squeal. "Angelica! I haven't seen you in so long!" She smiles. "I missed you." Peggy runs over. "I didn't realise you were coming Angelica." She says confused. "Well I was just checking you're still coming to the Ball." She replies nervously. "You are coming right?" Peggy laughs. "Yes of course I am!" I turn around to Peggy. "You never told me. Am I allowed to attend?"
"Oh! Sorry! I forgot! Yes you can come. Just be prepared. Because if the men find you pretty, which they probably will, you're gonna get a lot asking you out." Peggy says frowning. "Angelica! You should help y/n choose her dress for the ball!" Angelica jumps and smiles. "That's a great idea! How about we go now?" I hesitate. Should I go? Well what have I got to lose? "Alright then. I'll have to get my shoes on first though."
She laughs. "Okay!"
Another time skip lol
When we arrive at the dress shop, we walk inside and I gasp. "Wow! Look at all the dresses."
" is a dress shop" Angelica replies laughing. We walk a bit more. "So is there any sort of colour or style you're looking for?" She asks. I think of the dresses I wore in the past. "Well..I like a dark plain blue sort of colour" I say. She walks over to another circle of dresses and they seem to be the colour I was looking for. I look closer at them and I see one I absolutely adore. It rises out at the waist and looks great to twirl around in.

"This one" I point to it and smile

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"This one" I point to it and smile. Angelica squeals and jumps again. "Okay!" We walk towards the counter and buy the dress. "I'm so happy you're coming to the ball y/n" She says. "I hope it's good." I tell her.
Sorry for so much time skips
We open the door and walk inside my brother's house. Peggy runs up to us. "So what dress did you get?" She asks. Angelica holds up the blue dress that we bought and Peggy hugs me. I hug her back. John and two other men walk into the room. "Oh you're back!" He says. "Y/n this is Hercules Mulligans and Marquis de Lafayette."
"Pleasure to meet you." I say to them.
"Well if it isn't John's little sister!" Mulligans says as he walks up to my side.
"Say John. Have you been teaching her how we do in zis place?" Lafayette asks him. John laughs and puts his arm round me. "Let's say she knows damn well already." I laugh and roll my eyes. "Well it's quite late." Peggy says. "I'm going to bed. Are you coming John?"
"I'll just show these guys out first then I'll be up okay Pegs?" He replies walking up to the door.
"Okay then."
"Well I'm going too. I'll need some sleep for tomorrow." I say as I walk towards the stairs.
"Goodnight!" John and Peggy call as I walk towards my room. "Night!" I call back and walk inside. I get changed and get inside the bed. I eventually drift off to sleep.

Hi guys. I will be posting two more parts this afternoon :)) I hope you like this story so far

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