The wedding

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I straighten up as Angelica curls the bottoms of my hair, Eliza does my makeup and Peggy tightens the strings on the back of my crimson dress. "We're so cool as bridesmaids!" Peggy exclaims. They both nod and jump in the air. "You guys do know you don't have to put this effort into how I look right?" I tell them trying not to be rude. Eliza applies my lip gloss. "Hush!" She demands. I shrug. Angelica pulls out some hair spray. "This makes your hair look longer. Wanna try it?" She asks me undoing the lid.
"Sure." I reply excited to see how it would turn out. I close my eyes and my mouth as she sprays the bottoms of my hair making them bounce out longer. I gasp. "It worked!! Angie you're magic!" I shout. She just laughs. "What can I say? I'm a professional." I grin. Eliza steps back. "Alright. Done." She says. Peggy does the same and says "Me too." So does Angelica. "Me three!" We all giggle and jump in the air like 6 year olds on their birthdays. "I'm gonna go see if the men are ready." Eliza says to us walking out of the room. As the door of our room opens, we hear muffled arguing. Me, Peggy and Angelica both look at each other confused. After seconds of questioning, Eliza walks back in. "It was just Jefferson and Alexander having a little quarrel again. They were so stupid. Arguing about who got the last chocolate before they left?!" She whispers. The four of us burst out laughing. "Okay. You ready?" Lafayette asks us at the door. We all nod and I walk out onto the isle with the three Schuyler sisters by my side. The here comes the bride music plays in the background. As I walk further towards the end. I look at Thomas with happiness welling up inside me. He is standing next to James (the best man) and Lafayette (the host) I think that's what you call it. Okay sorry I'll shut up now. I reach the end and the three sisters sit down in their seats. "Okay. Thomas Jefferson. The groom. Do you have anything to say before you say I do?" Lafayette asks him. I can tell he's been practising. Thomas nods. "Y/n Laurens. I was struck with passion ever since I met you. I'm of course the man that any lady would say yes to, but you're the person I want. And I want to keep it that way by marrying you. So..I do." I hear a few happy sobs from the crowds. "Okay. Y/n Laurens?" Lafayette says checking his piece of paper. "I love you Thomas Jefferson. I have to admit. I was really shy when I met you because you seemed so important to the people. But then I got to know you. It turned out you were fun and caring. You got me through John's death with Alex. You saved me from Mark Lucy-fern. You're a truly great person to have with you. So without further ado...I do." Lafayette touches his hand to his heart. " may..what is it..oh oui! Kiss the bride!" Me and Thomas kiss. I close my eyes and see John. "I'm so proud of you sis." He says putting his hand on my shoulder. I swallow away tears. "Thanks John. You're a good sport 'bro'" He laughs and I open my eyes pulling away. "Guess this is it then." Thomas says. I nod. "I think it is."

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