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"Y/n! Y/n?  Y/n!" I hear in an echo. My eyes open lightly and I see Alexander and Thomas looking over me. I try sitting up but I fall back down. "Help me please." I whisper struggling. They both pull me up. I can't really remember anything so I try think. Oh yeah. John's dead. I get a sick feeling in my stomach. The one that I had before. "I'm so glad your okay Y/n. You passed out." He tells me feeling my head to check for any signs of sickness. I push his hand off and say "Oh really? I haven't noticed!" In sarcasm. He rolls his eyes and Thomas laughs a little. I glare at him and he stops. I pick up a pen and start writing. "Whatcha doing Y/n?" He asks me putting a hand on my shoulder as I sit down on the desk and write more. "Trying to stop slavery." I reply not fully listening. He spins my chair around to face him and my brother and stares at me with a questionable look. I sigh and Alex immediately notices what I mean. He whispers something to Thomas and both his eyebrows raise. "Ohh!" When John went to war, he wrote me a letter and promised when I got back we would write day and night like Alex to end slavery. And now he's dead, it's my job to do it myself. "Hey Y/n!" He says trying to stop me from writing straight away. "Come on. Don't start straight away. Don't be so hard on yourself huh?" I ignore him. He just sighs and walks out, Thomas following behind him. I continue writing and say "John, I miss you you know that right?" Of course there's no reply and I just lie on my bed looking up at the ceiling and silently crying.

Thomas's POV
"There's something wrong with her." I say to Hamilton with a serious look on my face.
"We need to help her." He tells me fixing his coat. I sigh and tap on my Monticello. "As much as I hate you, fine. Now how do we do this Mr pen?" He walks up to me folding his arms. "Well first of all, don't call me Mr Pen. And second of all, we convince her to stop hiding her feelings from us." 
"Should we not give her more time first?" I ask raising one eyebrow. He shakes his head. "No. Trust me. I know my little sis. If there's anyone who'll spend ages up there, it's her."
"So maybe she needs ages then. Ever thought of that?"
"I swear if you're saying you know my own sister more than I do then-
"We're doing it again." I sigh.
"You're right. Truce for now?" He asks huffily.
I nod putting my hands on my hips. "So what I'm saying, give her time. She's gotta be hungry or something at some point." I inform him.
"Yeah yeah. Alright." He replies. "Oh, John would've known what to do."
"'ll be fine. know what to do too I guess?" I say. He rolls his eyes. We both hear a muffled scream upstairs. We glare at each other anxiously then run upstairs.

Y/n's POV
I hear footsteps. I was too loud. I run back to my chair and begin to write again. "N/n! Are you okay?" Alexander asks. I nod not listening. He walks up to me and puts his hand on my shoulder. "Listen. We know somethings wrong." I turn over to him and pretend to check the time. "I' to go. Sorry!" I jump out my chair and run downstairs. "Wait! Y/n!" Thomas shouts. I ignore him  and run out the door.

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