Don't go..

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Hi! I'm really sorry I haven't been publishing I've been really busy. But this is a massive time skip to when the war has ended. Okay let's move on..

I hear a familiar knock on the door and I gasp. I jump out of my chair and run to the door. "Alex!" I exclaim opening the door and hugging him. He only smiles. He isn't as happy as I excepted him to be. "Where's John?" I ask in confusion. He looks at the floor. Now I'm worried. My face goes pale. "Y/n..He was in one last gun fight before we went back. And..he lost and died." A bucket of pain is thrown at me. I feel like my heart is being shattered into a billion pieces and stamped on. Tears run down my face and Alexander hugs me again. "Where is he?" I question swallowing away more tears. He points to inside a very large carriage. He tries to pull me back from going but I'm quicker. I run into the carriage and there is John, lying there lifeless inside. Tears rush down my cheeks and roll onto his coat. "I told you not to go to the war. You still did. The knight has lost the battle." I whisper blinking so I don't cry again.
"John? John please come back. Please."
He doesn't answer. I grab his hand shaking making them the gun fingers. I do them right back smiling sadly. "You did great bro. If only you could have lasted a little longer. I'd say you got through life pretty well if you ask me John." I let go, my hand still shaking. Alexander has luckily went inside so we can have our privacy. I go in. "Y/n! Are you-
"I'm fine Alex." I say. There is no emotion in my eyes. Just tears. I run upstairs breathing quickly. I take a gasp of air and fall onto the floor. With a bang, everything goes blank.

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