The carriage to Virginia

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3 hours later
Once I have packed all my things into my suitcase, I meet Thomas outside. "You ready to go N/n?" I nod grinning. "Then let's get in." He says hopping into the carriage. I hop in with him and off it goes with us sitting inside it. "We're going to Monticello." He says putting his arm around me. I glare at him. "Sorry what?"
"You heard me."
"MONTICELLO?! That's in Virginia Thomas! That's ages away!"
"I know I know. But we won't have to do anything for the war there. And we'll be safer." I think. I mean Thomas is right. "Hmm..okay I guess" I mumble. He laughs.
"Your friend?" Mr Madison and Thomas are never apart. I can't imagine them without being next to each other. "He'll be okay." He smiles but I can tell he's still a bit guilty about leaving him behind. "Trust me Y/n. You're gonna have a great time with me in Monticello."
"I hope so." I tell him giggling.

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