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We walk up the stairs into the elevator. The hairs grow up on the back of my neck as it goes up and the ground goes down. Thomas notices and holds my hand. I smile, looking at the floor. "It'll be fun." He whispers. "Trust me." I shiver. The way he said trust me makes me feel like we are going on an adventure. It's so exciting. Eventually, the elevator hits a stop and a ding hits the room. We step out onto a platform. The view under it is a beautiful sight. We can see the whole world out in front of us. It's like we're the top of the universe. "Isn't it great Thom-
Before I can finish my sentence, I realise Thomas is lying on the glass floor face first. "What are you doing?" I ask him putting my hand on my hip. No answer. Worry rushes through me. "T-Thomas?" I stammer shakily. I sit on the floor next to him. No answer. "Thom-
I feel a hand pulling me onto the floor with him. "Thomas!! For gods sake you scared me!" I gasp putting a hand over my mouth. He laughs. "You fell for that?" He asks laughing. I nod trying not to smile. "My god." He replies bursting into more laughter. 
"Oh shut up." I reply joining in. He runs his fingers through my hair and tucks a strand behind my ear. "I love you."
"I love you too." I reply gazing into his dark brown eyes. I roll over looking up. He joins in. "Look." I say pointing to a cloud. "That one, is a unicorn." He grins. "And that one, is a turtle." He points out.
"A turtle?! Pfft. How is THAT a turtle?!" I exclaim smiling.
"I don't know. It just is." He replies calmly. We both burst into fits of laughter.

Mr JeffersonWhere stories live. Discover now