Election of 1800s

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"Jefferson! You woke me up!" I yell. Thomas rolls his eyes and stares at me. "Y/n. I thought we were done with calling me Jefferson!" He tells me, folding his arms. I do the same. "I know. But still, you were too loud practising your little speech." I say sighing. He laughs. "Okay okay. But I need to be out now. Will you come and be my good luck charm?" He asks winking. I smile and glare at him. "You're still the same guy you were we met." I say as he hugs me.
"But better. Now come on and get out the door!" He shouts. I scream excitedly as he drags me outside and onto a horse. It's the very same horse it was when we met. "I remember this horse!" I exclaim stroking it's mane. Thomas hops on. "Yep. Now get on behind me." He orders. I laugh and get on as he holds me making sure I am okay.

Once we get there, I feel a shiver down my spine. I then realise what is going on. If he doesn't win, I could get humiliated. Pictures. Sympathy that I don't want. It would be horrible. But if he does, I'll hardly have any time with him. I sigh. "I guess this is just what he wants to do." I say in my head. He looks at me. "You okay princess?" He asks holding my hand. Flash. Flash. "Yep." I reply forcing a smile. The cameras get closer. Flash flash. "Pose!"
Flash flash.
"This'll make a great front cover for the newspaper."
Flash flash. I try stay calm and hold on tight to Thomas's hand. He can tell I'm nervous so he tells the Paparazzi to go away. I smile. He's so caring.

After a while, the man stands up and prepares to say the votes. I gulp with fear. He didn't have to do this. "It was originally a tie. So we had to leave it up to Hamilton." The man announces. Everyone gasps and I shiver. "My emotions are in my brother's hands." I think. Everyone goes silent, waiting for the man to continue. "So he voted. And the winner of the election is...." He begins. We all sit still. "THOMAS JEFFERSON!" Thomas gasps and hugs me. I hug him back with a smile. Maybe it won't be too bad. I'll just be happy for him. Everyone claps and my ears ring. I am the wife of the President.

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