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When we arrive at the ball, we all hop out of our carriages and walk inside. The room has fairy lights circling the wall and the floor is a shining white with diamond shapes. There are grand red lamps hanging from the ceiling and a bench on the side which has a buffet on top. My mouth grows wide. "What?" John asks. "Never been to a ball before?"
"No" I say. "Remember I moved to Canada as soon as I was old enough" Angelica puts her arm round me. "Be prepared for the night of your life" People are dancing in all sorts of different dresses, some are eating and some chatting. She runs off and talks to a man wearing a grey suit. I walk over to the buffet but before I get there I get stopped by a tall man wearing a magenta suit. "S-sorry sir" I say and step back. "Nah it's fine don't say sorry Miss" The man has a southern type accent and he sounds like he's from Virginia. "So why did you stop me?" I say confused. "Well..wanna be with me at the ball this evening?" He replies smiling while offering me his hand to hold. "U-uhm..sure." I reply nervously. "Hey don't be nervous. I'm a really fun guy." He says and pulls me towards the buffet.
I hope you enjoyed today's chapters. Daily there'll be two chapters in the morning and two in the afternoon. Have a great evening everyone! :D

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