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You woke to the horrible feeling of your head throbbing continuously. You clutched your head, wincing slightly as you opened your eyes. The early sunlight creeping in from the window was only making it worse so you decided to get up and close the curtains.

You were stopped, however, by a dead weight draped across your waist. You froze, eyes wide as you turned to look at the sleeping body laying next to you.

And then it all hit you.

"Holy shit." You whispered to yourself.


"Now what's a beautiful girl like yourself doing all by herself on a Friday night?"

You turned to see the most creepy, suspicious, and unattractive looking man standing directly behind you as you waited for the bartender to make your drink.

"Oh, you know. Minding my business." You shot at him in a firm tone. You had just been offered a new job at a prestigious production company, Jeon Enterprises, and you were here to celebrate. Albeit, by yourself, but you were still happy all the same. You weren't about to let some creep ruin your night.

"Do you normally talk so rudely to people you just met?" He asked, taking a strand of your hair and twirling it around his finger.

You jerked away from him, taking a step back to try and put some distance between the two of you.

"Only the ones that disgust me. Please go away."

"Feisty, huh? I like 'em feisty." The man said, leaning closer as he tried to kiss you. You slapped him, causing him to stumble back a half step. He grinned the most evil grin you had ever seen before trying to step toward you again.

Before he could reach you, a tall figure stepped in front of you, blocking you from the man.

"Move aside pal, can't you see I'm trying to take this bitch home?" The creep said shamelessly as he looked the man up and down.

The figure in front of you chuckled. "Now why on earth would you be taking my girlfriend home?"

You stared up at the man. Girlfriend?

His hair was dark and had a bit of curl to it that came just barely past his ears. He was wearing an all black suit with a maroon tie and black dress shoes. His blazer hugged his body perfectly, showing his fit figure and slightly rounded biceps. His pants covered his glorious thighs seamlessly, though you wondered what would happen if he sat down. He was a beautiful man and this was only the back of him.

"This ain't your girlfriend, buddy. Just because you're a fancy-looking pretty boy, doesn't mean you get to have any girl you want. She's coming home with me." The other man attempted to reach past him to get to you, only to be stopped abruptly. The man had taken hold of his wrist harshly, his finger's digging heavily into his skin.

"Last time I checked, girls don't tell men that they plan to go home with to go away. So I suggest you leave her alone before I break this nice hand of yours." The mysterious man spat through gritted teeth.

"Tsk. Whatever." The creep jerked his wrist from the man's grasp, giving you one last glance before walking away.

"You okay?" The man in front of you asked, letting out a deep sigh before turning to you. You took in his beautiful facial features, immediately mesmerized by his beauty. His doe-like eyes were a dark brown and he had the cutest mole below his bottom lip. He was wearing rings on almost every tattooed finger, making you wonder what they would feel like pressing against your throat...

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