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You left your new workplace feeling nothing but excitement and arousal for what was to come. You could only guess that the address Jungkook had sent to you was his own and he wanted you there no later than 7:00.

It was 5:00 when you got back home, giving you plenty of time to get ready and prepare yourself. You honestly had no idea what was going to happen so you decided to pack a small bag just in case.

You filled your bag with overnight clothes, a toothbrush, and a few other small essentials. You quickly showered, did your hair, and put on a black lace lingerie set to wear under your outfit.

You paused after putting it on, wondering if he would like it or not. Even though the two of you seemed to be in some sort of "relationship", there was still a lot to learn about each other.

You spun halfway to the left and then to the right, eyeing yourself in the mirror as you studied how you looked. It was easy for you to get in your own head and talk yourself out of wearing certain things. But you were trying to do better about that.

After much consideration and debating, you decided to get some validation. You grabbed your phone from your bed and snapped a couple of pictures of yourself in rather risqué poses in the mirror. You decided you could kill two birds with one stone by getting the reassurance you needed and also teasing Jungkook some more.

You settled on a couple of pictures you were satisfied with before hitting send. You sat on the bed anxiously, waiting for a reply. You started to slowly second guess yourself, wondering if he would even respond.

The sound of your phone buzzing made your stomach flip as you dove for it on the bed.

Jungkook: Such a beautiful fucking tease.

You couldn't help but giggle at his response, knowing you were getting him riled up. You glanced at the clock and quickly finished getting ready.

You were wearing a black, leather mini skirt with a wine colored top that hung loosely off of your shoulder. Once you were satisfied with your hair and makeup, you got in your car and headed for Jungkook's house.

Your GPS told you that the address was about 15 minutes from your place. You had expected that but it somehow made you nervous and excited all at once. What you weren't expecting was the location you actually showed up to.

You got out of your car and stared up at the luxurious hotel that seemed to stretch for miles into the sky. You pulled out your phone and called Jungkook almost immediately.

"Yes, princess?" His tone was low and daunting.

"Care to explain why I'm standing outside of a hotel right now?"

He paused on the other end.

"No, not really. You'll find out soon enough."

"Jungkook, what the fuck is that supposed to-"

"Go to the hotel bar. Order your favorite drink and wait for me." He cut you off harshly before hanging up the phone.

You pulled the phone away from your ear, staring at the now blank screen. You scoffed lightly, unable to believe how mysterious he was being, but deciding to just go along with it. You made your way into the hotel and made your way to the bar.

"What's your drink, beautiful?" The bartender asked as you got comfortable.

"Paloma. Sugar instead of salt." You mindlessly answered, looking around at your surroundings.

"Coming right up." The bartender went to work behind the counter as you locked eyes with your target.

Jungkook was seated at the other end of the bar, watching you intently. He still had on his work suit from earlier, a smirk draped across his lips as he looked you over.

Just as you were about to go over there, you watched as a woman approached him. She wasn't very tall, but she had long, beautifully tanned legs that made up 70% of her body. She had brown wavy hair that flowed down her back, a few strands resting on her bare shoulders. You couldn't deny that she was beautiful. But Jungkook was here for you. Surely he would tell her to go away, right?


You felt anger and jealousy build furiously fast as you watched the two of them interact. She would playfully touch his arm every now and then, leaning over to whisper in his ear.

And then he glanced at you and winked.

So this was the game he was playing? Well two could play at that game. You turned away, letting your back face the flirtation two. The bartender came over to where you were, placing your drink in front of you.

"Here you go, gorgeous." He gave you a wink and started to walk away.

"Hey, wait a minute!" You called after him.

"What's up?" He answered, turning back to face you once again.

You leaned your arms on the bar counter, propping yourself up on your elbows. You made sure to expose a bit of cleavage so he had the perfect view from where he was standing.

"Well, I'm kind of new around here. What is there to get into?" You asked flirtatiously.

You glanced over at Jungkook as the bartender played into your flirting game, giving you several places to go and do around the city.

Jungkook was poking his tongue into his jaw as he watched you, clearly irritated while the beauty beside him continued to talk to him. He didn't seem to hear her anymore.

You winked at him and turned your attention back to the man in front of you. You tossed your hair behind you playfully, leaning your cheek against your shoulder.

"So what's your name?" The bartender leaned over on the bar, now only inches away from your face.

"Y/n. You?"

"Taehyung. It's a pleasure to meet you, y/n." He took one of your hands in his, placing a soft kiss on the back of your hand. You immediately felt yourself blush at the sweet action.

"Likewise, Taehyung." You smiled sweetly at him, batting your eyelashes innocently. He gave you a boxy smile that make your stomach flip.

"So, y/n. I get off in about an hour. Wanna let me show you the city?" He asked, finally letting go of your hand.

"I don't fucking think so."

You jumped at the sudden deep voice that came from beside you. You looked up to Jungkook now standing beside you, eyes cold with anger as he stared at Taehyung.

"Let's go, y/n." Jungkook grabbed at your wrist, pulling you from your seat.

"See you around, Taehyung." You waved to the handsome bartender, giving him a wink as he waved back slowly, clearly confused.

Jungkook led you to the elevators, immediately pulling you inside as the doors open.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing, y/n?" He growled, pinning you against the wall of the elevator.

"I was only following your lead. You seemed to be enjoying yourself with that girl down there." You huffed, turning your head to the side as the elevator continued to climb higher.

Jungkook smirked at your answer. He grabbed your face, puckering your lips out as he turned you to face him again.

"You are in so much trouble."

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