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You sat across the table, eyes wide as you felt Jungkook's demeanor change. His eyes that were once filled with mystery and curiosity, were now lust-ridden and dark.

"Of course." The waitress bowed slightly before turning to walk toward the kitchen.

"Why are we getting our food to go?" You questioned, starting to feel unsettled.

Jungkook smirked at you, still not giving you an answer. The waitress came back to the table with your food a few moments later.

"Here you go." She gently set the food on the table, all tied up neatly in a bag for the two of you. Jungkook flashed her that beautiful smile that you had come to adore before pulling out his wallet.

He handed her more than enough money to cover the bill, letting his hand linger on hers as he winked at her.

"Thanks beautiful. Keep the change."

The waitress blushed furiously as she bowed, obviously flustered. Jungkook turned back to see you clenching your jaw, fuming at the situation in front of you. He smirked again, as if he knew what he was doing.

"Let's go, babygirl." He grabbed the food and stood up before pulling you gently out of the booth as well. His grip was stern and forceful, but not too rough.

"What the fuck was that?" You snapped, still irritated about the waitress situation.

Jungkook's let go of your wrist and gripped the back of your upper arm, letting his fingers press roughly into your skin. He leaned down to whisper in your ear as the two of you kept walking. "Watch your mouth, babygirl."

You felt a rush of adrenaline and arousal coursing through your body as you obediently followed him out of the restaurant.

You felt the rush of the cool, night breeze rush over you as you set foot outside. You didn't realize it had gotten dark outside already. The moon shone brightly down through the few clouds still in the sky, creating a soft, relaxing atmosphere.

Jungkook walked to his car, still pulling you beside him. He opened the front, passenger door and put the food inside before closing the door again. He then stepped over to the door to the backseat and opened it.

"Get in." He growled.

You blinked several times. "You want me in the backseat? Now?"

"Yes. Now." His voice deepened, sending a chill down your spine. So demanding. Almost frightening.

Your arousal and curiosity had peaked so you decided to do as you were told. You climbed into the backseat, expecting him to climb in beside you, only to be met with the door slamming shut instead.

He walked around to the driver's door and got in, cranking the car immediately.

"Jungkook, why am I-"

"Oh no, baby. Brats don't get to ask questions. They get treated like the bad girls they are. Now take off your clothes." He cut you off as he pulled out of the parking lot and onto the road. He adjusted his rear view mirror so he could see you perfectly.

Your mouth hung open, shocked at how quickly his attitude had changed. But you had a problem that needed to be taken care of between your thighs that wouldn't let up.

You pulled off your heels before lifting your ass slightly to pull off your pants. You then leaned forward, pulling off your shirt slowly, leaving you in your bra and panties. You had on a matching black lace set that complimented your shape beautifully. Jungkook let out a soft groan as he glanced back and forth between you and the road.

"Keep going."

You pulled off your bra and panties, leaving you completely exposed as your bare skin felt the cool leather seats beneath you. You glanced at him, waiting for your next instructions.

"Show daddy how wet you are for me, baby."

You slowly spread your legs open, letting him see the mess he had made of you without even touching you. You placed each foot on the back of the seats, spreading your legs even further apart as you leaned back against the seat.

"Look at what you did, daddy." You slowly began to tease yourself, the sounds of your dripping core echoing through the quiet car. "You made such a mess of me already." You whined, letting soft moans fall from your lips.

Jungkook let out a chuckle and shook his head. His cock was unbelievably hard as he watched you tease yourself in his back seat. He couldn't take it anymore.

He pulled the car behind an old building with an empty lot. It was dark and no cars were passing by. He unbuckled his seatbelt and turned back to look at you.

You paused your movements as you watched him. He looked hungry. Starving. And you were his next meal.

"And what should I do about that?" He cooed, slowly climbing into the backseat with you.

You swallowed harshly as you began to recoil into the seat. He towered his body over yours, making you feel small and powerless.

He suddenly slapped your cheek lightly before gripping your face, making your lips pucker. "I asked you a question, brat."

He let go of your face, causing you to let out the breath you didn't realize you were holding. He brought his face to your neck, exhaling slowly against your skin.

"Tell me what you want me to do, princess." He whispered into your neck before placing a soft, slow kiss against your flesh.

You moaned as you rolled your hips upwards, desperate for him to touch you. He continued to kiss and lick on your skin, only teasing your already sensitive nerves.

His constant switch between being sweet and being dominant was fucking with your mind. You couldn't think straight. You needed him, now.

"Please fuck me."

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