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You refocused on Taehyung, who still hadn't moved since he entered the bedroom. You could tell he wasn't sure of what to do or how to start this. This was a pretty awkward situation. So you decided to get the ball rolling.

You pushed yourself up off of the bed, taking three short steps over to where he was. You could feel Jungkook's eyes watching your every move.

Taehyung's breathing was irregular. He was nervous, yet excited about the situation he had found himself in.

You placed a hand on his clothed cock, palming him lightly as you looked up at him. He let out a low hiss, throwing his head back momentarily before returning his gaze to you.

"You're sure this is okay?" He asked in a low, lustful tone.

"I'm sure." You said, trying not to sound too eager. You had been on edge since the café and were beyond ready to feel your release.

"Ask me again, baby."

You heard Jungkook shift in his seat across the room. He was excited, but getting impatient.

"Please ruin me, Tae." You said in a sweet voice.

Taehyung flashed a devilish grin before leaning down and letting his lips melt into yours. His lips were soft as he kissed you with hunger, roaming every part of your lips. You let out a soft whimper.

You felt his cock twitch at the small sound you made, letting you know he wanted to hear you.

He then snaked an arm around your waist as he picked you up. You immediately wrapped your legs around him as he walked the two of you to the bed.

He laid you down gently on your back, leaning back as he stared at you, swiping his tongue over his bottom lip. He was studying you. Taking his time with you. He wanted this to last.

He finally began pulling your clothes from you, starting with your top. You had put a sweatshirt on earlier so you had decided not to wear a bra.

Taehyung let out a soft groan as he pulled your top away, leaving your upper half bare and exposed for him.

"Fuck." He said under his breath. He then pulled your leggings off of you, bringing your panties with them. He leaned back over you, his body now situated between your bare legs, and began leaving a trail of kisses down your body.

"How rough can I be with you?" He breathed, his lips softly nipping at your neck.

"As rough as you want." You whispered. You knew he was holding back.

He suddenly gripped your face harshly, turning your head to the side slowly so he could do as he pleased. You let out a soft moan as he began kissing and sucking much harder at your skin, making his way down to your collarbones and eventually your breasts as he marked you.

Your gaze was now focused on Jungkook, who hadn't said a word so far. He was now only in his boxers, his hand wrapped around his cock, pumping himself slowly as he watched the two of you. It was such a beautiful sight. You hadn't even noticed when he had gotten undressed.

Your attention was suddenly brought back to Taehyung as you felt his tongue glide over your breast, teasing your nipple.

"Fuck, Tae." You moaned, closing your eyes. You whipped them back open as you felt his long, slender fingers begin teasing at your clit. You were already a mess, giving him the perfect lubricant to play with your core.

"So fucking messy already." He groaned as his lips made their way down your stomach.

His kisses became much softer as his lips danced across your skin. You couldn't help but arch your back at the stark contrast between the softness of his lips and how he was roughly teasing your clit. He was clearly very experienced.

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