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"Told you I had everything taken care of, baby." He said, coming up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. His words were sweet, but his tone implied that he was about to dominate you. And you were right.

"I never doubted you." You responded, your nerves getting the best of you.

Jungkook squeezed you tightly, holding your body impossibly close to his. His lips brushed against the soft skin of your neck, the warm exhale of his breath sending chills over your body.

He spun you around quickly, placing a hand on your shoulder before pushing you to your knees in front of him. He raised an eyebrow at you without saying anything. He knew he didn't have to tell you what to do.

You happily unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his pants, the sound of his zipper making you even more eager. You pulled his cock from his boxers, wrapping your hand around his hard length. You pumped him a few times, your eyes never leaving his as a few grunts left his throat.

You teased him, leaving soft kisses and kitten licks up and down his length and at his tip.

Jungkook gripped a handful of your hair, pulling you away from him momentarily. He leaned down so that he was now eye level with you.

"Don't be a fucking tease." He growled.

"Yes sir."

You brought your attention back to his throbbing cock as he stood back up, releasing his grip on your hair. You wrapped your lips around him, letting your tongue coat him in your saliva as you sunk down around him slowly.

"Fuck, I love it when you do that." He groaned, tilting his head back.

You continued to take him completely down your throat until your nose touched his pelvis. You stayed still for a moment, flexing the muscles in your throat every few seconds.

"You look so pretty with my cock down your throat, baby." Jungkook purred above you. He began tapping his hips lightly, unable to hold back anymore.

You started to gag after a while, tears streaming down your face as he throat fucked you. But you loved it. The sound of his pleasure mixed with the vivid sounds of his cock sliding in and out of your mouth was driving you crazy. You loved being used. Being a sub was one of your favorite things about yourself.

Your eyes instinctively closed as you gagged, causing Jungkook to stop his movements with his cock still stuffed down your throat. He slapped your cheek lightly, the sting enough to make you open your eyes.

"Eyes on me."

You nodded, unable to speak. He resumed his movements, going a little slower to keep you from being uncomfortable. You kept your eyes locked with his the entire time, loving the obvious expressions of pleasure crossing his face as you sucked him.

He pulled out of your mouth without warning, causing a gasp to leave your lips. He had already made such a mess out of you.

"On the bed. Face down." He instructed.

You did as you were told, excited to finally be filled. The cool comforter on the bed sent chills over you, amplifying your nerves even more as you laid on your stomach.

"Hands behind your back."

You immediately brought your hands behind you, letting them rest at the small of your back. You loved being dominated like this in bed. The cold, demanding aura that Jungkook gave off, paired with how perfectly he fucked you, was everything you could ask for in the bedroom.

You felt the bed shift as he got situated behind you. He brought his hard cock to your pussy, already lubricated with your saliva as he ran it through your dripping folds.

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