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Jungkook's POV

I tapped my pen against the table nervously as the minutes continued to tick by. The longer it took for you to come back through that door, the more worried I got.

Something in my gut told me something was wrong.

After 15 minutes had gone by, I had had enough. I got up and walked to the door and opened it quickly, only to be met by Seokjin. He had his fist raised as if he were just about to knock.

"Oh, Mr. CEO, sir. I apologize, but I really need to head home for the day. I'm not feeling very well." He said with a furrowed brow.

"That's, um, fine with me. Have you seen y/n anywhere?"

Seokjin paused, looking upwards as if he were thinking.

"Now that I think about it, I haven't."

I looked him over carefully before sighing deeply.

"That's okay. Thank you, Seokjin. Please rest well and feel better." I said, giving him a pat on the arm.

He nodded and bowed before walking to his desk to gather his things. He waved goodbye to a couple of coworkers who wished him a speedy recovery as he stepped onto the elevator and left.

I returned to my seat at my desk and decided to try and call you. I nearly fell out of my chair as your phone began to ring from your desk on the other side of the room.

My last hope was that maybe one of the security cameras got you somewhere.I clicked through the screens and immediately felt happiness once I found you.

My smile faded once I realized it was from about 10 minutes ago. My brow furrowed when I realized Seokjin had lied to me.

I watched as the two of you interacted, the screen in front of me silent to the conversation you were having. He pointed in an upward motion before you seemed to thank him and walked away.

Once you rounded the corner, he immediately pulled out his cellphone and called someone as he walked away.

About a minute later, you showed up on another camera on the next floor. You made your way to the restroom slowly, looking at your surroundings carefully.

Shortly after you entered the restroom, another figured entered behind you. They kept their face away from the camera, but the long, brown hair was undeniable.

My stomach dropped as I slowly connected the pieces together.

I ran out of my office, brushing past people as they stared with shock. I could hear a couple of my employees try to ask what was wrong but I couldn't stop. I had to find you.

Seokjin was already gone, but I still had to look for you.

I slammed through the door to the stairwell as I ran up the stairs. I felt frantic as I ran through the empty and quiet floor, the sound of my footsteps echoing eerily.

"Y/n?!" I yelled as I swung the door to the restroom open.

The silence was enough to make me sick to my stomach.

The bathroom mirror caught my eye with something written largely on it. I walked over to it slowly as my eyes widened in a mixture of fear and anger at what looked to be a question written in red lipstick.

think she's as tough as me?

Y/n's POV

You jolted awake at the sound of a door slamming shut. It was unusually loud to be a normal door. You pried your eyes open as you felt your heart begin to race.

You were on Jungkook's plane. And you were tied to one of the seats. Both of your arms were tied down and your legs were tied together. And your head was absolutely killing you.

"Fuck." You whispered, trying to wiggle your hands free from the armrests.

"It's useless. You can't get out."

You jumped at the sound of Alyssa's voice coming from the other side of the cabin. She leaned forward, her dark hair falling slightly against her face as she grinned, enjoying the sight of you struggling to get free.

"Untie me so I can beat the shit out of you." You growled from your seat.

Alyssa giggled quietly, clearly amused at your threat.

"I think I'll leave you right where you are. And when Jungkook realizes where we've taken you, and he will, I'll remind him of what a real woman is like. And you can sit and watch."

You stared at her in disbelief. You couldn't believe she was so deranged to the point that she thought this would actually work.

"Wait. Did you say 'we'?" You asked, finally processing her words.

The door to the cockpit swung open abruptly, revealing a tall, broad shouldered man that made your heart fall.

"You didn't really think Alyssa was the mastermind behind all of this, did you?" He asked with a childlike tone of voice upon seeing your facial expression change.

"But Jin...why?" You asked, your voice shaking as you felt tears welling up.

"That's always the first question. Why? Why are you doing this?" His voice mocked.

"I'll tell you why. That CEO position should have been mine. I worked hard for it for years. Nearly lost everything trying to pay for school. Only for it to be handed to him on a silver fucking platter." He continued.


"I'm not done." He stopped you, holding up one very large hand.

You watched as he walked over to you slowly, grazing your cheek with the back of his hand. You pulled away immediately, not wanting any part of whatever this was.

"I knew I could find a way to get him to fail. Overwork him or find "problems" that he couldn't handle. He made me his right hand and everything was going perfectly. Until that night."

"What night?" You asked, staring at him with confusion as he walked over to sit beside Alyssa.

"At the bar. We had gone out for a drink together after work. I had a plan to get him incredibly drunk so he'd miss his meeting with our new client the next day."

You stared at Jin in disbelief, wondering how someone that seemed so sweet could be so manipulative.

"And that's when he noticed you." He continued.

"He wanted to go over and talk to you so bad, but I knew it would ruin my plan. So I stalled him. Told him to give it five minutes and see if you were waiting on someone. Hell, I even sent a random guy over there to look like you were. A lot of good that did." Jin scoffed on his last sentence.

"Jin, what the actual fuck?! You've been fucking with us since I met him?!" You yelled, trying frantically to pull your wrists free.

Jin let out a short chuckle and placed a hand on Alyssa's thigh. Your eyes followed his hand and then back up to meet hers.

"And where the fuck do you fit in to this shit?" You spat at her.

She giggled as she leaned over and kissed Jin lightly on the cheek.

"I used her at first." Jin interjected.

"I used her to get to you. To make it seem like it was her that was doing everything. When in reality, she hasn't done anything at all besides knocking you unconscious. And that was simply because I couldn't, given all the cameras at work."

"Besides, we had a common goal." Alyssa spoke up from her seat.

"And that would be?" You mumbled

"We both wanted to see Jungkook fail at the CEO position. Seokjin would get the job and Jungkook would come crawling back to me." She responded as her smile slowly faded.

"And then you came along and fucked everything up."

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