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After Jungkook had made a couple of phone calls, the two of you were checking out of the hotel just as quickly as you had checked in. A car was waiting outside to take you both back to the plane. You climbed into the backseat with your companion, dreading having to go back and deal with all of this.

Coincidentally or not, Alyssa was nowhere to be found once you boarded. According to the pilot, she had left shortly after you and Jungkook had and hadn't come back since. They hadn't even heard anything from her.

"Her disappearing only confirms my suspicions that it was her. I know she's behind this. I just don't know what she's going to do." Jungkook said as he sat down next to you on the plane. You could tell this was just as nervewracking for him as it was for you. But it didn't make you feel any better.

You mindlessly nodded in agreement, staring out of the window as the plane began to take off. It made you sad to think that you wouldn't be able to explore Italy with Jungkook like you had been so excited to do. He had been so happy to surprise you and it was now ruined. You were fighting the urge to cry as you closed your eyes.

You tried your best to get some sleep during the flight. Between your nerves and the minor turbulence, you couldn't help but feel restless. Did Alyssa really want Jungkook back that bad? Did she have some personal vendetta against you that you weren't aware of? Or was jealousy making her crazy? What was her true motive behind all of this? 

Your thoughts were crashing around in your head, making it impossible for you to relax. It wasn't until Jungkook reached over, taking your hand in his, that you felt a bit of relief. You felt yourself finally drifting off to sleep as he traced light circles over your hand with his thumb.

After what felt like only a few seconds, you felt Jungkook tapping your arm lightly. You jumped slightly, not realizing where you were for a moment.

You looked up at him, your head now in his lap where you had been previously napping.

"Are we back already?" You asked, letting out a yawn after.

"Already?" He chuckled as both of you stood to gather your things. "You realize this has been almost a 13-hour flight, right?"

You smiled softly but let it fade when you remembered the situation you were facing. Jungkook noticed.

"Hey." He reached over, grabbing your arm softly and pulling you into him. You felt your body willingly lean into his as exhaustion tried to take over. You felt like crying. But you refused to do it in front of him. He rubbed soft patterns against your back, letting your breathing match his as you began to calm down a bit.

"I'm gonna take care of this. I promise. I won't let her hurt you."

You took comfort in his words, leaning back to look at him before placing a soft kiss on his lips. He smiled lovingly at you before leading you off of the plane.

The drive back to your apartment seemed to fly by. Jungkook had refused to let you stay at home by yourself so the agreement was that the two of you would stop and get a few things from your apartment and you would stay with him for the time being. And you were in no position to argue. Not that you wanted to. The thought of being by yourself made you as nervous as a cat.

Jetlag and exhaustion made it hard for you to climb the stairs to your building, but nevertheless, you finally made it with Jungkook following close behind you. You fumbled with your keys before finally pushing your door open and stepping inside. What you saw made you freeze in your place.

"What the fuck?" You whispered to yourself.

Jungkook walked in behind you, gasping softly at the scene in front of the two of you. Shattered glass,  broken picture frames, overturned chairs, smashed lamps, etc. Your poor apartment had been demolished in what looked like a fit of pure rage. The simple thought of someone being in your apartment while you were gone made you want to throw up. And then it hit you. 

"Jungkook, do you think-"

"Yeah, I do. Let's get your things and get out of here. We'll call the police once we get back to my place." He answered, not wanting either of you to say what you were both thinking.

You simply nodded in agreement, stepping carefully around the glass on the floor as you made your way to your bedroom. She was behind this. She had to have been. What else would she have been doing while she had disappeared so strangely?

You found a small folded note taped to your bedroom door with a small heart drawn on the outside of it. You gave Jungkook a cautious glance before reaching to pull it off the door.

"Be careful, y/n." He mumbled, stepping a bit closer to you.

You mentally waved him off as you continued to unfold the note. It was neatly folded like you remembered doing in high school when you would write a love note to a cute boy you liked. You would have found it amusing, almost cute, in any other situation.

The note contained one word that made your stomach drop.


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