
9K 288 20

"Come in." Jungkook called from his desk. You listened as the door to his office opened immediately.

"Good morning, Mr. Jeon." The head of marketing greeted him, pausing briefly before stepping inside.

"Good morning, Mr. Park. Please, have a seat."

You listened closely as the man sat down and began talking. Just as Jungkook was about to answer him, you wrapped your lips around the head of his cock, hollowing your cheeks slightly.

"Shit." He mumbled under his breath, closing his eyes momentarily. He shifted in his seat. You couldn't help but smirk around him.

"Is everything okay, sir?" Mr. Park asked.

"Yes, everything is..fine." Jungkook answered, taking a deep breath. He folded his hands in front of his mouth, trying desperately to maintain his composure. "You talk, I'll listen."

"Okay then.." The head of marketing continued. He went on about new marketing strategies that would get them more clients.

You took this opportunity to sink your mouth all the way down around him, letting his length rest comfortably in your throat.

Jungkook shifted in his seat again slightly, letting out a small cough in order to keep from moaning.

You flexed the muscles in your throat, tightening around him as you began to move your head back and forth slightly. Your hands gripped his thighs as you worked him slowly, careful not to make any sounds.

"I think this would be the best way for our company to get the publicity we need. It has the potential to make our profits increase by at least 23%." Mr. Park continued.

You slowly pulled off of Jungkook, immediately wrapping your hand around him. You heard his breath hitch as you began pumping his cock slowly, building his pleasure further and further. You knew he was going crazy not being able to watch you.

Jungkook gripped the desk, his knuckles turning white as he neared his climax. He couldn't take this anymore. He knew there was no way he could cum right now in the middle of a meeting. But you knew he was getting desperate.

"Mr. Park, these all sound like terrific ideas. I'm just not really feeling well right now. Why don't you write everything up for me and bring it to my assistant, Seokjin?" Jungkook suddenly spoke, cutting off the other man.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. Of course. I'll do that right away. Thank you for your time, Mr. Jeon."

You heard the chair scoot slightly against the hardwood as Mr. Park stood up, before hearing his soft footsteps retreating. You smiled, feeling victorious that you had been able to make your dom squirm like that.

As soon as the door had closed, you were pulled forcefully from under the desk. Jungkook pulled you up from your knees before pushing you gently against his desk. His eyes held small fires in them. Fires laced with lust and desire.

"Sit." He growled.

You did as you were told, sitting on top of his desk as he walked over to the door. Your core tightened at the sound of the lock clicking.

"That was a cute stunt you pulled." He cooed, walking slowly around the desk. He stood between your legs, running his hands up your thighs slowly. He pulled your skirt up above your ass, his cock twitching at the sight of your bare skin exposed for him.

"Did you enjoy getting me all riled up like that? Knowing I couldn't do anything about it?" He asked, tilting his head slightly as his eyes traveled to your lips.

You bit your bottom lip softly. "Yes sir."

He hummed quietly before reaching for your panties, pushing them out of his way immediately. He ran his fingers through your folds as he leaned in to kiss you, causing you to let out a low moan into his lips.

His tongue pushed into your mouth, exploring the warmth of your tongue for a moment before pulling away from you. Your breathing was erratic as he looked down at you.

"It's your turn to squirm, babygirl. How quiet can you be?" He grinned, lining up his cock with your core. He pushed in slowly, loving the feeling of you stretching around him so perfectly. He let out a deep groan, clenching his jaw repeatedly as he bucked shallowly into your warmth.

"Fuck." He whispered.

You gasped at the feeling, immediately bringing your hand to your mouth to muffle your moans. Jungkook smirked, watching every expression that crossed your face.

He wasted no time gripping onto your thighs, thrusting into you roughly as the desk shook beneath you. It was all you could do to keep from screaming at the intense pleasure. Your eyes rolled back momentarily as you bit down on your bottom lip.

Jungkook wrapped one hand around your throat, his other hand still gripped around your thigh as he pulled you closer to the edge of the desk, not once slowing his movements. The two of you held each other's gaze as he fucked into you.

"You're so fucking beautiful, baby." He whispered, getting rougher as he picked up his pace.

You let out the softest whimper, letting your hands find their way into his soft tresses. You felt the pressure in your lower abdomen building stronger and stronger as you tightened around him. He let out an excited chuckle as you felt his cock begin to twitch.

"Cum for me, princess."

You did as you were told, almost instantly crossing over into your climax. You moaned quietly as Jungkook slowed his movements, letting you feel every bit of your high.

He pulled out of you suddenly, pulling you off of the desk quickly.

"On your knees, baby."

You immediately sunk to your knees, looking up at him as you stuck your tongue out. You knew exactly what he wanted.

He ran his hand slowly up and down his cock, his eyes never leaving yours.

"Fuck, baby, I'm gonna cum." He panted.

With a few more strokes, he released onto your tongue, letting you taste him. You happily swallowed every drop before standing back up. The two of you readjusted your clothes and hair, making sure you both looked presentable before you went back to your desk.

"Thank you for that, sir." You all but whispered, winking at him before turning to walk away.

Jungkook grabbed your wrist and pulled you back to him, holding your body close to his. He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, studying your features with love in his eyes. He smiled softly.

"I can't get enough of you."

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