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Jungkook rolled the front windows down slightly, letting in the cool breeze the night had to offer. It wasn't too hot or too cold outside so the breeze was comforting and relaxing.

The two of you pulled out your food and started eating. He looked over at you, chewing his food slowly as he watched you eat. He didn't know why, but it made him happy to see you eating well.

"So, y/n." He started, taking another bite of his food. "Tell me about you."

You stopped chewing, hesitant on what to tell him. You didn't think there was a whole lot to know about you, but you were gonna try.

"Well, I'm from Seoul, but I moved here to Busan about two weeks ago." You started.

"Why is that?" He asked, watching you closely as he continued to eat. He seemed genuinely interested in knowing more about you.

"Um, well mainly for a new job opportunity, but I grew up hearing about how beautiful Busan was so I decided it would be perfect for me to move here."

"New job? Tell me about it."

"Well, it's the reason I was so drunk the night we met. I was celebrating. It's a very prestigious company that offers financial services to business that are in debt or are just starting." You explained.

Jungkook stopped chewing and looked over at you. He seemed briefly confused but then smirked, going back to his food.

"What was that look for?" You asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Oh, nothing. I just think that's an amazing kind of job to have." He replied nonchalantly, still smirking as he idly stirred his food.

You eyed him curiously. "Okay... Anyway, I have to meet with my new boss for the first time tomorrow morning."

Jungkook nodded as he closed his to-go box and placed it back in the bag. You handed him yours as well, letting him know you were finished too.

"Well let's get you back home then, noona. Can't have you late on your first day." He winked at you as he buckled his seatbelt.

You shifted in your seat, unable to figure out what his sudden change in behavior was all about. But he was right. Even though tomorrow was just a formal "meet and greet" with your boss, there's no way you were going to mess it up by being late.

Jungkook pulled up to your house, getting out to open your door before you had the chance to. You blushed at his sweetness, still in awe at the thought of how rough he had just been with you.

"Get some sleep. Don't stay up too late." He ordered.

Your stomach did a flip. You smiled to yourself as you looked down at your feet. "Yes sir."

Jungkook grinned, tilting your head up towards him before placing a soft kiss on your lips and sending you inside. You waved to him as he drove off.

You immediately went inside and got in the shower before snuggling into bed. As you plugged your phone up to the charger and set your alarm, you got a text message from Jungkook.

JK: Goodnight, beautiful. Good luck with your new boss tomorrow ;)

You awoke right on time the next morning, getting ready to head to your new job. You didn't realize how nervous you were until you pulled up in front of the building.

It was absolutely huge. The top of the gray building seemed to stretch for miles into the sky, each side of the building plastered with windows. The words "Jeon Enterprises" mounted in big, black lettering on one side.

"Here goes nothing." You took a deep breath before getting out and making your way inside. Your instructions said to go to the 27th floor for your meeting.

"Holy shit." You whispered to yourself. You smoothed out your black pencil skirt, mindful of the slit up the back, and adjusted your navy blue button up that was tucked into your skirt. You opened the door slowly, your black stilettos clicking against the marble floor as you walked in.

You couldn't help but marvel at the beauty on the inside. While the outside of the building gave off a cold, serious look, the inside was quite the opposite.

The inside was also painted with black and grey, but there were small splashes of purple in random places that gave the inside a slightly warmer feeling.

You walked further inside, gazing upwards at the beautiful high ceiling that held a gorgeous purple chandelier. You were so amazed as you continued to walk forward, that you didn't notice the man standing directly in front of you. You bumped into him rather harshly, making him step forward a little. You stared up at him slowly, horrified.

The broad shouldered man looked down at you with a soft smile as he swept his hair from his forehead.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so so sorry. I wasn't paying attention." You bowed apologetically, hoping desperately that this wasn't your new boss.

The man chuckled slightly, waving at you to calm you down. "It's fine, really. It wouldn't be the first time and I'm sure it won't be the last."

You blushed a little, embarrassed.

The man looked you over carefully, almost as if he was studying you. It made you feel self conscious.

"You don't look familiar. Are you the new financial planner we just hired?" He asked, kindness and patience laced his voice.

Oh shit, he was your boss.

"Um, yes, I'm supposed you be meeting with the CEO today. Is-is that you?" You stumbled over your words, now painfully aware of how nervous you were.

The man suddenly let out a series of loud laughs that reminded you of a window being cleaned. You couldn't help but giggle with him as he almost doubled over from laughter.

"No, no, no." He said between laughs. "The CEO is upstairs on the 27th floor. I'm just his personal assistant."

"Oh." You felt embarrassed for assuming he was the CEO. He was so tall, handsome, and had such a confident aura about him that made you sure he ran the place.

"My name is Seokjin. But since we'll be working closely together, you can just call me Jin." He offered with a smile, trying to ease the tension.

You smiled back, unable to deny how handsome he really was. "I'm Y/n. Very nice to meet you Jin."

You glanced at your watch, eyes wide as you realized what time it was. You were almost late for your meeting and you had 27 floors to go through.

"I'm so sorry Jin, I have to go. But I hope to see you around soon?" You smile apologetically as you glanced toward the elevators down the hall.

"Of course! All of us like to go out for drinks sometimes. You'll have to come with us and meet everybody!" He responded cheerfully.

"I would love that! See you around!" You waved politely as you briskly walked to the elevators and got on. You were the only one in the compartment so you took the time to give yourself a pep talk.

"Okay y/n, you can do this. Don't let him intimidate you just because he's a man. You know what you're doing. You went to school for this. Don't-"

You stopped as the elevator dinged, coming to a slow stop as you reached the 27th floor. The doors opened slowly as you stepped into a smaller lobby that was dimly lit. The walls were painted black with gray couches lining one side of the room. On the other side was a closed door; one that you could only assume held the CEO on the other side.

You took a deep breath before walking up to the door and giving three short knocks. You straightened out your outfit and smoothed your hair down as you heard movement on the other side of the door. You looked down at your feet, your stomach doing constant flips.

The door swung open gently as you saw two dress shoes standing in front of you. Your eyes widened as you looked up to greet your new boss.


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