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It was finally Saturday morning after what felt like an eternity. You had been looking forward to the weekend because Jungkook had told you he had something special planned for the two of you.

You had spent the previous night at his house, watching movies, eating pizza, and of course, having lots of amazing sex.

His arm now laid draped across your body as he snored softly. You couldn't help but smile as you thought about the first morning he had been in your bed. You had been so shocked to find him there, only for it to now be completely normal.

You turned over on your side to face him, admiring his soft features as rays of sunlight touched his face. His lips came to a natural pout as he slept, letting you see the precious mole beneath his bottom lip. His eyelashes fluttered every few seconds as he dreamed, like soft strands of silk. You leaned over to place a gentle kiss on his lips before pulling away to look at him once again. He looked like an absolute dream.

Jungkook smiled softly, eyes still closed. "Good morning to you too, baby." You blushed as he opened his eyes.

"Good morning." You replied softly.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked, pulling you closer to him by your waist.

"I did." You answered, burying your face into his bare chest. He planted a kiss on top of your head.

"Good. Because we've got a big day ahead of us."

Jungkook rolled over, getting out of bed slowly as he made his way to the bathroom. You admired him from your spot in the bed, drinking in his beautiful body. You wondered how you had gotten so damn lucky.

You glanced at your phone, eyes widening to see that it was 7:00. You almost never woke up this early. Never.

The two of you spent the next hour showering, picking out clothes, and getting ready.

"Where are we going? I can't pick out my outfit if you don't at least give me some sort of idea." You asked from inside of his closet. In order to be prepared for moments like these, you had brought a few of your clothes to leave at his house.

Jungkook walked into the closet, wrapping his arms around your waist as he stood behind you. Both of you looked over your clothes as he swayed you back and forth gently, his chin resting lightly on your shoulder.

"Hmmm. Wear this." He said, reaching in front of you.

He pulled down one of his black hoodies, holding it in front of you. You took it in your hands, glancing over your shoulder at him.

"So we're not going anywhere fancy, I assume?" You answered, hoping to get some sort of hint out of him.

Jungkook shrugged slightly, squeezing your body tighter in his arms. He placed a kiss on your cheek before turning to leave the closet. You giggled, feeling like a school girl in love.

You put on his hoodie with a pair of black leggings and comfortable shoes. He also dressed down in a navy sweatshirt and black sweatpants. Both of you looked incredibly comfortable.

Still not telling you what he had planned for you, the two of you got into his car and started towards your mystery destination.

"Kook, can I please have a hint? The suspense is about to kill me." You whined from the passenger seat.

Jungkook looked over at you and grinned, reaching to take your hand in his as he continued driving and placed a kiss on the back of your hand.

"I like it when you call me that."

You blushed, unable to be upset with him for very long. "Noted."

Nevertheless, he still wouldn't let on. He wasn't budging on this mysterious persona he had going on.

After 30 minutes, you opened your eyes from your short nap. The car had stopped, now parked on an airplane runway. Your eyes widened as you looked around at the single plane on the runway, with 4 people that you assumed to be the flight crew standing outside.

"Kook...are we going somewhere?" You asked, nervous that you literally only had the clothes on your back.

"It's possible." He grinned that beautiful bunny smile before getting out of the car. He jogged around to your side of the car before opening the door and helping you out.

The two of you bowed politely to the plane crew before boarding the plane carefully.

"So, can I have a hint now?" You asked, plopping down into one of the luxurious cabin seats. You looked around the inside of the plane, in awe at all of its glory. The seats were a beige leather, void of any scratches or dings, and lined with beautiful gold accents. The side of the plane had a sort of couch looking seat of the same color that you assumed pulled out into a bed for longer flights.

Jungkook grinned as he sat opposite of you, elbows propped on his knees as he faced you. He reached under the seat and pulled out a black duffle bag, handing it to you slowly.

"No, Noona, you can't. Now be a good girl and go change clothes." He purred from his seat.

You blinked, confused as you looked at the bag in your lap, the butterflies knocking around furiously in your stomach. The pet name didn't go unnoticed.

You slowly unzipped it to find a beautiful yellow sundress accompanied by a tan pair of strapped wedges and a floppy sun hat.

"What is all of this? Jeon Jungkook, where are we going?" You asked, bewildered and trying to hide your excitement.

Jungkook let out a quiet chuckle as the stewardess came to check on the two of you.

"I just wanted to let you know we'll be taking off in about 5 minutes. Do either of you need anything for the flight?" She asked politely.

You exchanged a glance with Jungkook before looking at her again.

"I guess we're okay for now. He won't exactly tell me where we're going so it's hard to say." You answered with a grin.

"He is full of surprises." The stewardess said, winking at Jungkook.

Excuse me?

You narrowed yours eyes at her, not really sure what she meant by that. You looked her over, studying her brown, wavy hair that was pulled into a ponytail behind her back. Her uniform hugged her curves perfectly, her waistline borderline nonexistent. She was beautiful.

"Well I'll be in the front cabin if you guys need anything. I'm Alyssa." She turned to walk away.

"It's nice to see you again, Jungkook." She whispered, placing a hand on his shoulder before sauntering back down the aisle.

The fuck?

You stared at her with wide eyes before returning your gaze to him. He pinched the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes as he let out a sigh.

"Don't, y/n."

You felt like marching up to that cabin and telling that bitch to keep her hands to herself. You wanted to tell her that Jungkook was yours and she could kiss your ass.

But you bit your tongue. The last time you got jealous, it turned out to be a misunderstanding and you got punished.

In that case, maybe you should...

No. She's not worth it. You trust him.

"I'm not saying anything. I want to, but I won't." You responded, huffing as you looked out the window. Jungkook watched you with a grin.

"But if it happens again, I can't promise anything."

Jungkook chuckled. "Whatever you want, Noona."

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