Mile High

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Once the plane had taken off, you unbuckled your seatbelt and moved down the aisle toward the bathroom, carrying the duffel bag with you. As hard as you tried, you couldn't seem to wipe the smile off of your face.

You stepped inside, swiftly closing the door behind you. Your reflection in the mirror caught your eye almost immediately. Your cheeks were flushed with a blush pink, your pupils were dilated slightly with excitement, and you had the dumbest grin on your face.

You giggled quietly to yourself before stripping your clothes from your body and slipping the yellow dress over your curves. You were shocked at how perfectly it fit you. The band hugged at your waist slightly while the bottom was looser, flowing as you spun from left to right. You grabbed the shoes and the hat, saving them for when you were about to get off of the plane.

Almost silently, you clicked the lock from its place and opened the bathroom door, peeking out to look down the aisle once more just in time to see Jungkook coming from the cabin where the flirtatious stewardess resided.

You couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy and anger, knowing they were in such a small space together while you changed. And to be fair, you warned him that you would say something next time.

You marched out of the bathroom, shoes and hat in one hand, duffle bag filled with your other clothes in the other. Your bare feet padded quietly against the carpeted floor of the plane. Jungkook looked up at you, eyes roaming over your body as you practically came barreling toward him.

"What the fuck?" You said flatly. You stood right in front of him where he now sat on the couch-like seat.

"Holy shit. You look beautiful, y/n." He answered, clearly unaware of the steam rolling out of your ears. He ran his hands up your sides, still not meeting your gaze.

"Thanks. Why the hell were you up there?" You nodded your head toward the cabin. You pulled his hands away from your body in an attempt to get him to focus on what you were saying.

Jungkook smiled, looking down momentarily before looking back at you. He reached for the backs of your thighs, pulling you toward him. He lifted one of your legs from the ground, making you bend your knee before pulling you down onto his lap.

"I was up there because I had to tell them not to bother us for the rest of the flight." He whispered, his nose barely touching yours. "I want you all to myself back here."

You couldn't hold back a smile as the pit of your stomach fluttered with excitement. You ran one hand through his dark hair before leaning down to kiss him gently.

"You promise?" You asked quietly.

"I promise, babygirl."

Jungkook's hands gripped at your thighs on both sides of him, leaning forward slightly as he began kissing you roughly. You whimpered feeling him nip at your bottom lip, tugging gently as he teased you. You couldn't help but grind your hips down into his lap, feeling how ready he was for you.

"You're so beautiful, baby." He whispered, touching his forehead to yours. You felt as he moved one hand between your legs, slipping your now soaked panties to the side before dipping his finger into your folds.

You let out a short gasp at the feeling. Jungkook knew exactly how to touch you and make you feel better than you've ever felt.

The length of his middle finger traced light circles around your clit, sending a wave of chills over your body. He kept his eyes on yours as he picked up his pace. The sleeves of his sweatshirt were rolled halfway up his arm, letting you see the prominent veins that stood out as the muscle in his forearm flexed.

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