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You twiddled your thumbs nervously as you sat in the back seat of the SUV. Jungkook was already at work and was having one of the guys he hired bring you to work safely.

The car finally came to a stop in front of the large building, the man in the driver's seat turning to look at you.

"Would you like me to walk you inside Miss?"

You cleared your throat quietly.

"No, that's okay. Thank you. I'm just a bit nervous is all."

The driver nodded, giving you a reassuring smile. He reached into his pocket and handed you a business card with his name and phone number.

"I'm Hoseok. Call me when you're ready to head back home."

You thanked him and tucked the card into your purse, taking a deep breath before stepping out into the cool morning air.

The breeze was somewhat refreshing as you made your way inside. The comforting and familiar environment of your workplace made you feel at ease once you stepped inside, smiling at all of the friendly faces.

One friendly face in particular lit up the moment he saw you and practically came running to greet you.

"Y/n! Holy shit, you're back!" Seokjin exclaimed as he engulfed you in a hug.

You giggled as you felt your belongings being squished against you as the gentle giant squeezed tighter and tighter.

"It's good to be back. But I'll be in a hospital soon if you don't stop squeezing all of the oxygen from my lungs." You croaked.

Jin let go of you immediately, letting out a quiet laugh. "Sorry. I just got really excited to see you back again. It just hasn't been the same around here without you."

You smiled and playfully punched him on the arm.

"Well thank you. Maybe we can celebrate later."

"Definitely." Jin said with a smile.

You smiled and bowed politely before making your way to the elevator and up to the 27th floor. As soon as you stepped off, you were met with your favorite pair of doe eyes leaning against your desk.

"Good morning, y/n. As of today, you'll be working alongside me in my office until further notice. Please follow me." Jungkook stated, getting right to business. He made sure to speak loud enough for everyone nearby to hear him as he motioned for you to follow him.

"Yes sir." You responded quietly.

As soon as you stepped inside, Jungkook closed the door and wrapped his arms around you.

"This is making me so nervous already." He mumbled into curve of your neck.

You smiled, running your hands through his hair. He pulled away from you and kissed you lightly on your forehead.

"Were there any problems getting here? Did anyone follow you?" He asked somewhat frantically.

"Not that I know of. My driver didn't let on if someone did."

Jungkook let out a soft sigh of relief and sat down at his desk. You noticed a new addition to his office in the form of a new desk sitting on the far side of the room.

"So, what "special project" are we working on, sir?" You asked as you walked over to what you assumed was your temporary work station.

"We have a brand new client that wants us to come up with an idea to help his company cut back on production costs by at least 4%. You've heard of Monie Franchises, right?" He answered, watching your every move.

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