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The two of you finally docked the Gondola and walked down the path toward the city. The path started out quiet with only a few people passing by, but started to get more and more crowded the deeper into the city you went.

Jungkook intertwined his fingers with yours, flashing a soft bunny grin your way as he swung your arm back and forth gently.

"So, where are we going? And what are we going to do for clothes?" You asked, seeming to suddenly realize that you only had the clothes on your backs.

Jungkook chuckled, bringing your hand up to his lips to kiss the back of it gently. You smiled.

"Don't worry, gorgeous. I've got everything taken care of."

The two of you walked for a little while longer, chatting casually, admiring the beautiful city, waving hello to a few people, before ending up in front of a tall building that you guessed was your hotel.

Jungkook reached in front of you, opening the door before gesturing for you to go inside.

"Such a gentleman." You said teasingly as you brushed past him.

"You wouldn't be saying that if you knew what I wanted to do to you right now." He answered, eyes practically glued to your ass as he walked in behind you.

"Oh, I'd love to know." You said, turning to wink at him.

He stepped closer to you, closing the space between the two of you. He held your chin between his thumb and index finger, tilting your head up toward him.

"I want to line your beautiful body with purple bruises with my lips. Then I want to bend you over and fuck you so hard, you'll let this entire hotel know who you belong to." He winked before kissing your forehead and walking away, leaving you standing there with your mouth hanging open and your pussy throbbing.

He turned back to you as he was halfway across the lobby. "Keep at it and I'll show you."

Jungkook checked the two of you in at the front desk, exchanging very few words with the woman behind the desk. Clearly, he had learned his lesson in flirting with other women right in front of you.

"Ready?" He asked, walking his way toward you. You couldn't help but notice how stunningly handsome he was. His soft, dark hair bounced lightly as he walked, his eyes seemingly full of innocence, though you knew better.

"Ready." You said, taking his hand in yours before making your way to the elevators.

As you waited for the elevator to arrive, you became painfully aware of the sexual tension between the two of you. He had been making small comments here and there all evening that were just enough to get you slightly riled up. Only to change subjects as if he hadn't said anything in the first place.

But that last comment took the cake.

The ding of the elevator made you jump a little, causing you to look over at him to see if he noticed. He had a smug smirk on his face as if he knew what he was doing.

"Nervous about something, baby?"

The two of you stepped onto the somewhat crowded elevator, the doors closing shortly after.

"Nope. Don't know what you mean." You answered quietly.

The two of you stood behind everyone else in the elevator. The other people in the small space with you seemed to pay no mind to either one of you, being busy with their own conversations.

You thought this would be a good opportunity to tease Jungkook a bit more. You crouched down as if you had dropped something, earning a couple of looks from a few other people. But they turned back to their own conversations immediately after.

As you stood back up, your hand ran up Jungkook's  inner thigh, causing him to jump slightly. You were much closer to Jungkook now as you brought your hand to his clothed cock, getting harder by the second.

"Y/n, what the fuck are you-"

The elevator dinged, the doors opening slowly as a few of the passengers got off at their floor. You took this moment to stand in front of Jungkook, your hand behind your back still on his cock.

You started giving soft pumps and tugs through his pants as the elevator doors closed once again. You felt him shift behind you as he brought his hands to the railing, gripping them tightly.

There were only three other people left aside from the two of you but you weren't letting up. You knew you would be in trouble for this but you were having too much fun.

You slipped your hand inside his pants effortlessly, still facing opposite of him. The other people inside the elevator were still clueless as to what was going on.

The warmth of your hand on his cock made Jungkook buck his hips forward.

"Fuck." He whispered.

The elevator dinged once more, letting the last few passengers off as you removed your hand from Jungkook's pants.

As soon as the doors closed, Jungkook turned you to face him before backing you against the wall gently. His body pressed into yours as his knee parted your legs slightly. Both of his hands were on either side of you on the wall, making escape impossible. You were trapped, but you'd be lying if you said you didn't want to be.

"Really, baby?" He asked in a deep voice, his face only inches from yours.

"Don't act like you didn't like it." You answered with a bratty tone. This earned you a light slap, causing you to moan out involuntarily.

With his hands still in place on the wall and his knee still between your legs, he leaned down and placed soft, slow kisses on your neck, eventually dragging his tongue slowly up to your jawline. You swallowed harshly in an attempt to hold back a moan.

"Trying to act tough now, huh? Don't worry, baby. I'll break you." He whispered before pulling away from you.

As soon as he did, the elevator doors opened to your floor. Jungkook placed his hand in front of the doors to keep them from closing before glancing at you, still backed against the wall.

"You coming or do you want me to fuck you in there?" He asked with a grin.

You pushed yourself off the wall and brushed past him, slapping him lightly as you did. He giggled to himself.

Both of you made your way to the room, anticipating what you both knew was coming.

As you walked in, you found two suitcases sitting by the large, king-sized bed. You smiled, thinking about Jungkook planning all of this just for you.

What the two of you failed to notice, however, was the small blinking red light that was situated in the corner of the ceiling.

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