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TW: guns, blood

You watched as Jin got up slowly, his eyes never leaving you. He made his way over to you and crouched down in front of your legs.

"You know I've been thinking." He paused as he looked down, reaching to untie your feet.

"What the hell are you doing?" You barked, trying to jerk away from him.

Tears formed against your eyelids and quickly spilled down your face as the sting of Jin's slap radiated across your cheek.

"Don't fucking interrupt me."

He continued untying your ankles as you stared down silently at him, anger burning beneath your wet eyelashes.

"I've been thinking. What is it that makes you so special? What makes Jungkook so fucking crazy about you?" Jin continued.

You took in a sharp breath as he ran his fingertips slowly up your calf. You thanked your lucky stars you had worn pants today instead of a skirt.

"Jin, stop. This isn't you." Alyssa suddenly spoke from her seat. The man in front of you stopped before turning to give her a harsh glare.

"Excuse me?" He spoke in a deep, almost hoarse voice as he stood slowly. You shuddered at how unfamiliar he suddenly seemed.

He walked over to her and gripped her cheeks, making her lips pucker. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat as she stared up at him.

You sat helpless in your seat, eyes wide at the scene in front of you.

"In the cockpit. Now." He muttered before kissing her puckered lips harshly. You couldn't help but feel disgusted.

"Yes sir." She whispered as he let her go. She scrambled quickly from her seat to the door before disappearing into the cockpit on the other side, giving you an apologetic glance as she did.

"I'll be back to deal with you in a minute." Jin hissed, caressing your hair before joining Alyssa.

You frantically looked around, trying to find something to help you out of your current situation. Your legs were now untied, but that didn't do much for your arms still tied to the seats.

You could feel your wrists burning as the ropes dug into them, leaving indentions from how tight they were.

Though it was painful, you tried lifting your wrists straight up with all of your strength. To your surprise and excitement, you felt them loosen up just the tiniest bit. But it still wasn't enough to get out.

You sat still, feeling tears brimming your eyes as you began to feel defeated. There was no way for Jungkook to know where you were. Which meant there wasn't much hope for escaping.

Just as you were about to give up completely, the door to the plane was jerked open, making your stomach drop.

You locked eyes with Jungkook, just as a single tear slid down your cheek.

"Y/n." He whispered, fear, worry, and relief in his eyes.

"Jungkook?" You whimpered quietly as your chin quivered.

Relief was quickly replaced by sheer horror as you watched the cabin door behind him open slowly. Jungkook followed your eyes and turned around just in time to dodge Jin's fist before it struck him.

"Jin stop!" You yelled from your seat, panic and helplessness in your voice as you watched the two of them begin to fight each other.

"What the fuck are you doing, Jin?" Jungkook growled as he successfully landed a hit against the taller man.

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