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Jungkook pulled his hand out of his pocket, stretching it out for a handshake in Tae's direction.

You felt like throwing up. You felt like you were on a train that was in the process of derailing but there was nothing you could do to stop it.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Taehyung." He reached over, accepting Jungkook's handshake firmly.

You were still in a half-standing, half-sitting position as you watched the two men interact, your head absolutely spinning. Jungkook glanced over at you.

"Have a seat baby, don't leave on my account. I'll join you."

"Oh no, I really was leav-"

"Sit." His voice came out demanding. His dominant nature was showing. It made your stomach flip.

You quickly obeyed, sitting back down as he took the seat next to you. You could smell the sandalwood cologne radiating off of him as he raised the sleeves of the black sweatshirt he was wearing. Your eyes traveled down his arm, admiring his tattoos.

"So, what were you guys talking about?" Jungkook finally spoke, crossing one leg over the other. He had asked the both of you, but never took his eyes off of Taehyung.

"Nothing, we had just ran into each other when you showed up." You quickly answered.

"Yeah, I happened to be passing by and just stopped to say hi." Taehyung chimed in.

"Convenient." Jungkook purred, resting his hand on your thigh. You struggled to keep from squirming in your seat. You knew you were in trouble and he wanted you to be as uncomfortable as possible.

"It would seem that way, but it was just coincidence." Taehyung chirped back, not at all fazed by Jungkook's attempt at trying to intimidate him.

You glanced back and forth between the two men as they stared at each other in silence. Jungkook's grip on your thigh seemed to be getting tighter and tighter and your leg was about to go numb.

"Well, this has been insanely awkward. Jungkook, should we go?" You asked, praying to whatever entity that was listening that this would stop.

"What a fine idea. I need to speak with you privately. Please excuse us for a moment, Taehyung." Jungkook responded, standing from the table and pulling you with him.

"What are you doing?" You asked in a hushed tone as Jungkook led you down the hallway toward the back of the café.

"I already said I need to talk to you." He spat.

He quickly pulled you into the family restroom at the end of hall, making sure nobody was looking to spot the two of you. He pushed you inside, quickly following behind you as he locked the door.

You looked at him as he made his way over to you, slowly. You felt panicked but also excited. You knew that look in his eyes all too well. He wanted to punish you.

"Do you know what you did wrong?"

"Yes sir." You almost whispered.

"Tell me."

"I let Taehyung sit with me without telling you."

Jungkook turned his head slightly to the side, now standing right in front of you. You looked down, unable to keep straight eye contact with him.

He gently tilted your chin upwards to face him once again. You bit your lip lightly, ready for him to be rough with you.

"And why is that wrong?"

You hesitated, unsure of how to answer that. You knew he was jealous and overprotective, but that just came with being a dom.

"Because he likes me?" You answered in a questioning tone. 

Wrong answer.

Jungkook poked his tongue into his jaw, scoffing lightly. He gripped your arm harshly, pulling you forward and bending you over the sink. He kicked your legs apart before pulling your leggings down below your ass. You felt the crack of his palm land swiftly against your ass, making you cry out.


"So he likes you, huh? He likes what's mine? What he can't have?" Another smack. You moved forward in an attempt to get away from him.

"Take it." He growled.

He moved your panties to the side, dipping a finger into your already soaked pussy.

"Seems like you're ready for me. Or is this from talking to him?"

You could only moan in response as his fingers explored you. He quickly pulled his hand away, making you whine in frustration. This earned you yet another smack.

Jungkook quickly unbuckled his belt before shifting his jeans down slightly as he let his cock spring to life. Your eyes watched him with hunger through the bathroom mirror.

With no warning, he pushed his entire length into you, stretching you out for him immediately. You moaned loudly at the pleasure and pain that you felt. He immediately brought a hand to your mouth.

"Quiet. Don't want everyone in the building to know how good I'm fucking you." He paused, tapping his hips shallowly. You let out a muffled moan behind his hand.

"Or do you?" He asked, watching your faces in the mirror. He picked up his pace, bringing his free hand to your hip for leverage.

You couldn't think straight enough to answer him. You could only focus on how good you were feeling.

"Is that what you want? You want someone to find you like this? With my cock buried in this pretty pussy?" His hips sped up even more, the sound of skin slapping echoing through the bathroom.

"Answer me." He growled, moving his hand to your neck as he leaned his body over your back, still snapping his hips into you.

"No sir." You moaned.

"I don't believe you. I think you want Taehyung to find you like this." He whispered into your ear.

"I don't, I swear." You nearly cried. You could feel your orgasm building quickly.

"So tell me again. Why was what you did wrong, baby?"

Your mind struggled to find the correct answer this time. However, it was clouded by your quickly approaching orgasm. And you took too long.

"Because you're mine." He snapped his hips into you harshly at the last word, holding himself in place as he bottomed out inside you.

"Fuck! I'm yours!" You moaned loudly again. You were right on the verge of cumming.

Jungkook pulled out of you suddenly, leaving you breathless and unsatisfied. He spun you around and pushed you to your knees.

"Prove it. Make me cum." He demanded, looking down at you.

You felt your core tighten at his deep, commanding voice. "Yes sir."

You immediately took him into your mouth, running your tongue over his length. Jungkook threw his head back as you worked him, already close.

He gripped the back of your head, moving you up and down his cock as his jaw hung open slightly. Low grunts and moans fell from his lips like music to your ears.

You could feel him twitching as you sped up your movements, letting him hit the back of your throat repeatedly.

"Fuck, I'm gonna cum baby." He warned. He bucked his hips into your mouth a few times before spilling into the back of your throat, making you take every drop.

You pulled off of him as he came down from his high, trying to regain his breathing. He took your hand and helped you stand up. You looked up at him, disappointed that you didn't get your release.

He looked at you and smiled, sensing your disappointment.

"Oh, don't worry baby. I'll make sure you cum too. Let's go ask your little friend out there if he's up to the task."

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