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The rest of your day was uneventful for the most part. You spent the morning cleaning a few things around the house, watching tv, and scrolling on your phone.

But as much as you tried to relax, there was a nagging slip of paper with 10 numbers on it that had your mind distracted. You didn't know whether or not to text Jungkook because you wanted to be sure of whether or not you wanted to go through with this.

The more you thought about him and how he made himself at home in your bed and your shower, the more your mind leaned toward texting him. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't get the image of a shirtless Jungkook with a towel wrapped around his waist out of your head.

Not to mention how dominating he had been around you without even touching you.

It was literally driving you mad. You knew your sex drive was way too high for you to hold out much longer. So you made a sort of "snap decision."

You reached for your phone on the other end of the couch and pulled the small slip of paper out of your back pocket. You folded your knees up against your body, feeling a rush of adrenaline coursing through your chest.

You dialed the numbers quickly and listened to the line trill. You bit your lip in both excitement and nervousness.

"Hello?" Jungkook's deep voice flowed through the speaker after about 3 rings. It sent a chill down your spine.

"Um, hi. It's y/n." You replied bashfully.

He let out a soft chuckle, almost sounding relieved. "It's about time. I thought you'd forgotten me, baby girl."

Your stomach fluttered at the pet name that he used so casually with you. You knew that you wanted to pursue something with him, but you weren't exactly sure how to put it into words. You were very particular about your tastes, interests, and what you were looking for in a relationship, so you were hoping to tell all of this to Jungkook without him sprinting in the other direction.

"After this morning, I'm finding it hard to forget about you." You finally replied quietly. You thought carefully about how to approach the situation. "Listen..."

"What are you doing tonight?" Jungkook suddenly interrupted you.

You hesitated, startled by his abruptness.

"Uh, um..nothing. Did you have something in mind?" You decided to be daring.

"I have a lot in mind." His voice was deep and laced with seduction.

You grinned, biting your lip.

"Well, I'm not sure how to tell you this, but I have several things in mind too. But I don't know if you're going to be as eager once I explain it to you." You explained slowly. You held your breath, waiting for his reply.

"You'd be surprised to know what I'm into baby. But I must say, I'm curious to hear about what you have in mind."

You could hear a slight grin in his voice that excited you.

"I'd rather tell you in person..." You hesitated, debating on whether or not to finish your sentence. "...daddy."

You heard Jungook's breath hitch through the phone, making you a nervous wreck. The next words out of his mouth would either excite you or disappoint you greatly. Either way, you were proud of yourself for just putting it out there and going for it. It made you feel brave.

"That's a dangerous word, princess. Be careful how you use it." He finally spoke in a low, almost daunting voice. His words had an almost demanding tone to them, giving you exactly what you wanted.

"And if I don't?" You challenged.

Silence flooded the other end of the line. You were afraid you had taken it too far and now he was about to stop things before they started. He finally spoke after 30 seconds.

"Touch yourself."

Your eyes widened in a mixture of shock and confusion, your jaw hanging open slightly.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. Stop whatever you're doing, strip completely, and start touching yourself." He demanded in a gruff voice. "Now."

You hesitated slightly, trying to imagine where he was going with this. But it excited you more than anything else had in months so you decided to go along with it. "Yes sir."

You quickly walked into your bedroom, closing the door behind you. You put your phone on speaker before placing it on the nightstand next to your bed. You quickly began removing your clothes, one piece at a time until you were completely naked.

"What now?" You hadn't intended for that to come out as bratty as it had. You squinted your eyes slightly as you waited for his response.

"I believe I told you to touch yourself," Jungkook replied, sounding somewhat annoyed.

You laid down on your bed, hesitating before spreading your legs and bringing your fingers down to your core. You started slowly by teasing your clit and found that you were already extremely wet from Jungkook's demands. He had gotten you this wet without even touching you or even being in the same room as you.

"Let me hear you, baby." He ordered over the speaker.

You quickened your pace slightly, causing a series of small whimpers to leave your lips.

"That's it, baby, make yourself feel good." Jungkook continued to encourage you over the phone. His words were only amplifying your pleasure.

You let your imagination take over your thoughts as you imagined Jungkook in the same room as you, letting his fingers explore you. Your moans gradually got louder and louder as you came closer to your high.

"Add a finger in there for me, princess."

You did as you were told, loving the game that the two of you seemed to be playing. You had never had phone sex before but as you now knew, you loved it.

"I'm gonna cum." You panted quietly, feeling yourself right at the edge of your orgasm as your finger slid in and out of your entrance effortlessly.

"Stop." Jungkook's voice suddenly boomed over the phone. You jumped slightly at the volume of his voice, causing your high to painfully fade away. "Stop touching yourself."

"What? Please, I was so close." You whined, your lips pouting slightly.

"I changed my mind. Only good girls get what they want. And since you wanted to be a brat, I'll treat you like one." He paused. "I'll be there in an hour to pick you up. If I find out you came without my permission, it's gonna be a long night, baby."

Your mouth hung open, unable to comprehend what was happening. But you were going to go along with it. This was only going to be fun if you played along and did what you were told.

"Tell me you understand," Jungkook demanded.

You grinned. "I understand, daddy. I won't touch myself. I want you to touch me."

Jungkook let out a low, almost animalistic growl. It turned you on even more.

"Good girl."

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