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You landed on the bed with a harsh bounce as you were lightly tossed from Jungkook's arms. He stared down at you as you began to slowly recoil into the mattress.

"What's the matter, baby? You look nervous." He cooed, slowly crawling on top of you.

You swallowed harshly as you tried to steady your breathing.

"Tell me, baby. Why is it that you think you can tease me at work, tease me with pictures of you all over my phone, only to flirt with the fucking bartender downstairs? Hmm?" Jungkook caressed the side of your face gently, now fully situated between your legs as you laid beneath him.

"I could ask you the same thing." You shot back. "Not really fair that you get to flirt and make me watch."

Jungkook let out a soft chuckle. He traced his hand down your jaw and to your neck, gripping your throat lightly. You bit your lip and grinned at how rough he suddenly was.

"What if I told you that was one of my business partners? And while she may have wanted to go home with me, my mind was only focused on fucking you." His grip tightened slightly as he spoke, causing a squeak to leave your lips. His free hand came to the hem of your skirt, lifting it slowly until your lower half was exposed.

"So imagine how angry I was when I saw my sub entertaining another man." Jungkook's fingers slipped your lingerie to the side, immediately dipping into your wet folds. You moaned out at his touch.

He finally released your throat, allowing you to take in a sudden breath of air. You stared up at him with wide eyes as he brought both hands above your head, pinning them together with his tattooed hand while the other snaked its way back to your core.

"How was I supposed to-fuck!" Your words cut off quickly as you felt two of his fingers push into you. His mouth opened slightly, mimicking the faces you made as he slowly pumped his fingers in and out of you.

"Hush, brat." He growled, bringing his lips to brush your ear lightly. He quickened his pace, curving his fingers perfectly into your g-spot repeatedly. You arched your back from the bed, feeling your orgasm build quickly as he finger fucked you.

Jungkook stopped his movements abruptly as he felt you tightening around his fingers.

"Not so fast, baby." He grinned, pulling his fingers out of you. He let go of your hands above you, leaning back on his knees between your legs.

"Please, please." You whined, desperate to feel release. You watched as Jungkook slowly began unbuttoning his shirt, unfazed by your begging. He continued slowly, revealing his toned, tattooed body. You could feel yourself getting more and more excited as he went on, the clink of his belt unbuckling like music to your ears.

"I hear you, baby. I do. But I think you're forgetting that you're in trouble here." He cooed as he stood to take off his pants. His cock was hard and ready for you after all of the teasing you had been doing. You watched him with lust-filled eyes, not caring that you were in trouble. You just wanted to be filled, now.

"You keep telling me I'm in trouble, but I haven't done anything to be in trouble for. And you haven't really "punished" me, so I'm not so sure I am in trouble." You challenged, a smirk playing on your lips.

You wanted to push him a little further so he would hurry up and fuck you. If there was anything you were good at, it was being a brat.

Jungkook stood, mouth open in disbelief at your words. He shook his head and let out a scoff before climbing back onto the bed with you. "I doubt you'll keep that attitude for very long."

He gripped the bottom of your shirt, pulling it over your head effortlessly. He licked his lips as his eyes travelled down your body, resting briefly at your lace covered breasts before returning his gaze to yours.

You let out a shriek of surprise as he quickly flipped you over, face down into the mattress. You turned your head to the side, ready to protest and argue but Jungkook wasn't having it.

"Don't." He spat.

You felt as he pulled your skirt down below your ass and past your ankles. He let out a low groan at the sight of your ass, draped in the delicate lingerie you had put on just for him.

"Oh baby, you shouldn't have." He purred, rubbing his hands softly against your skin. You whimpered at his touch, wanting more. "You look fucking perfect."

He brought his cock to your dripping folds, letting you feel how hard he was as he teased you. You pushed yourself back, trying desperately to get him to fuck you already. You winced as you felt a harsh slap on your ass, making you still your movements.

"Be still." His voice was low and demanding. It made you excited for what was coming.

"Why should I give you what you want?" He asked hovering over your back. He left soft kisses on your shoulders and down your back, his cock still resting between your folds.

You wriggled slightly under him, growing impatient. "Please." You begged.

Jungkook reached to grab both of your hands, pinning them behind your back. He finally used his free hand to line his cock up at your entrance, pushing in slowly. You gasped before letting out a low moan at the feeling of him stretching you.

"Yeah? Let me hear you, baby." He cooed, sliding in and out of you carefully and slowly. Too slowly.

"Go faster, please." You could feel tears beginning to form in your eyes as desperation began to take over. He was going fast enough for it to feel good, but not fast enough for you to cum.

"We go at my pace, princess." He growled, slamming into you harshly before slowing back down. "You're really in no position to be making demands."

You screamed as you attempted to move your arms, but to no avail.

He continued on like this, rolling his hips at an agonizingly slow speed. Teasing you just the way you had done to him all night.

"I'm sorry, please! Please, just go faster!" You begged. You couldn't take anymore. Every time you felt your orgasm beginning to build, it would fade away. It was torture.

"Are you gonna be a good girl and listen to me from now on?"

"Yes! I promise!"

He chuckled from behind you. He kept his grip on your hands behind your back while grabbing a handful of your hair, craning your neck back slightly. He leaned over you, bringing his lips next to your ear as he continued to roll into you.

"Has my little brat learned her lesson?" He whispered.

"Yes!" You all but sobbed.

"Yes, what?" He growled, tightening his grip in your hair.

"Yes sir!"

Satisfied that you had learned your lesson, he sped up his pace, quickly building your long awaited orgasm.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, I'm gonna cum." You moaned as you stared up at the ceiling. Your body was arched perfectly, hands behind your back, your head facing the ceiling with Jungkook still holding a handful of your hair as he slammed into you.

"Go ahead, baby. Cum on this cock." He answered, finally letting go of your hair as he felt you tightening around him. You let your face rest to the side on the cool sheets of the mattress as you felt your high take over, repeated moans echoing inside the room as he continued fucking into you.

"You feel so fucking good." He praised you, now slamming his body into yours, sending you bouncing into the bed.

Jungkook let go of your hands, bringing his hands to grip both of your hips as he chased his own high.

"I'm gonna cum, baby. Fuck." He let out a deep groan before pulling out of you. He ran his hand up and down his cock a few times before releasing onto your ass and your back. You laid there, breathless yet exhilarated.

Both of you remained still for a moment, catching your breaths and coming down from your highs. You couldn't help but smile at how amazing everything had just been.

Jungkook got off of the bed and walked around to the side, taking your hand in his as he kissed your forehead. "Come on, let's take a shower. I want to hold you for the rest of the night."

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