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You paced back and forth in your living room, waiting anxiously for Jungkook to get there. It had been 45 minutes since you had hung up from your first phone sex experience and to say you were on edge was an understatement.

There was nothing more you wanted than to get your release, but you had to take your mind off of it. You believed Jungkook when he said it would be a long night if he found out you had done it yourself.

You were just about to sit down on the couch when you heard three light knocks on your front door. Your stomach dropped and did a flip all at once, knowing who was on the other side. You walked past your full-length mirror, making sure your outfit was presentable before you opened the door.

You had decided to keep it simple with a pair of black, ripped skinny jeans, a black, distressed graphic t-shirt, and black, open-toed heels. It was cute, yet comfortable.

Once you were satisfied with how you looked, you grabbed your phone and purse before nervously opening your front door, revealing a very handsome Jungkook patiently waiting.

His eyes scanned you up and down, smirking softly at the sight of you.


You felt your cheeks flush at the sudden compliment as you looked down at your feet. "Thank you."

You suddenly felt a hand on your chin as Jungkook tilted your head back up. Your eyes met his immediately.

"Were you a good girl like I told you?" He asked, his voice deep and intimidating. His eyes were dark and serious, almost scary.

"Y-yes sir." You stammered.

"Good girl. Let's go." He grabbed your hand and led you out of your apartment, your door slamming shut behind you.

Jungkook walked in front of you, giving you time to really look him over. He was wearing black leather pants that rested around his slim waist perfectly and seemed to almost suffocate his thighs. His white button-up shirt was tucked in only slightly underneath his black, leather jacket. His black heeled boots clicked quietly as the two of you walked out of the apartment building.

"Where are we going?" You ask excitedly, doing your best to ignore the throbbing between your thighs.

"Best not to ask questions, princess. It ruins the surprise."

You grinned as you made your way to his car. He made it a point to open your door for you, giving you a rush of heat to your cheeks.

Once both of you were in the car, Jungkook started your journey to your mystery destination. You were about to attempt to start a conversation when you felt a hand rest on your thigh.

"So tell me, y/n..." Jungkook started, giving your thigh a light squeeze. You gasped at the feeling, still on edge from not getting your release.

"What is it that you want from me?" He glanced over at you, a beautiful smirk resting on his lips. You couldn't believe how gorgeous this man was.

"Well, I'm hoping you can be what I've been searching for. Nobody has been able to measure up to my standards so far." You challenged.

"Oh? And what is that?"

You hesitated, unsure of what he would think of you. But you decided you were gonna be honest. No bullshit. Fuck it.

"I'm hoping you can be my dominant." You held your breath as you waited for his answer.

A smile slowly formed itself onto his face. He released his grip on your thigh as he pulled into the parking lot of a nice restaurant.

"Um, I feel like I'm a little underdressed for this place." You said out loud as you stared at the building through the window.

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