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"Jungkook, what the actual fuck?" You called from the shower, washing your body with shaky hands. You didn't understand who would do this and why. What did they have to gain from doing this? What exactly was their plan?

When you didn't hear a response from him, you quickly finished and stepped out into the cool air, wrapping a towel around your body tightly.

"Kook?" You called again.

You walked out of the bathroom and into the hotel room to find Jungkook sitting on the edge of the bed, his elbows propped on his knees as he covered his face with his hands.

You walked toward him slowly, cautious about your next move. You had never seen him look so upset, so angry. You had never encountered him like this and didn't want to upset him even more.

"Hey." You said quietly, placing a hand on his shoulder softly as you sat down on the bed next to him, still wrapped in a towel. Your wet hair dripped faintly onto your shoulders.

Jungkook finally looked over at you, concern filling his eyes. He placed a hand on your bare thigh, his eyes never leaving yours.

"I'm so sorry." His voice shook just barely.

Your eyes widened. You had expected him to yell. To be angry. But he was sorry?

"What in the world are you sorry for?" You asked.

He squeezed your leg gently before standing from the bed. He ran one hand through his hair, his other hand resting at his hip as he took a deep breath. You could tell he was deep in thought.

"I'm just sorry that you've gotten dragged into this." He mumbled, letting out a nervous laugh as he started pacing back and forth.

Your eyes followed him as he moved from one side of the room to the other.

"Dragged into what?"

Jungkook shook his head, still slowly pacing.

"This is all my fault, I should have been more careful." He muttered under his breath.

You stood up, walking to stand in front of him. You placed one hand on his chest, your other hand clutching your towel, making him stop in front of you.

"Stop that. Tell me what's going on."

Jungkook let out an exhausted sigh. He looked down briefly before looking at you again.

"Alyssa." He said quietly.

"The stewardess?"

He nodded slowly.

Your mind immediately remembered how flirtatious she had been on the plane. How her touch had lingered a little too long. And how she had given you the meanest glare you'd ever seen when she caught sight of you sitting in Jungkook's lap.

"What reason would she have for doing something like this?"

Jungkook closed his eyes momentarily as if he was dreading telling you the answer. He took your hand in his, holding it close to his chest. You could feel his heart racing.

"A few months ago, Alyssa and I tried dating each other. She became the flight attendant on my jet and we eventually took an interest in each other. It was great for a couple of weeks. But then she started to get possessive. Really possessive. And I don't mean how I am with you."

He paused, waiting for you to say something. But you just barely nodded your head, wanting him to continue.

"I told her that we needed to take some time for ourselves. You know...split up for a while. It felt like we had gotten too close too fast. And well..she didn't handle that very well."

"I could tell something was off with her on the plane. She looked at me like she hated me and I had barely spoken to her." You answered quietly. You could feel anger beginning to build in the pit of your stomach.

"Well, when I say she didn't take it well, I mean she said that if I tried to date anyone else, she'd ruin their lives. And that she'd sue me if I tried to fire her." Jungkook's eyes searched yours as he spoke, looking for a hint as to how you were taking all of this.

You stood silent for a moment, furrowing your brow as you processed all of this information. You turned away from him to sit on the edge of the bed, wrapping your arms tightly around yourself as you crossed one leg over the other.

"I'm so sorry I've brought you into all of this. I know she's going to try and hurt us both somehow." Jungkook said, walking over to crouch down in front of your legs.

"But you made me feel happiness. True happiness. For the first time in a very long time. After I met you that night, I had this feeling that made me want to keep you for myself. I couldn't let anyone else have you."

Your eyes widened, unable to speak as your gaze held his. He rested his hands on your legs, giving a soft squeeze that made you feel safe. Secure.

"At first, I figured it was just sexual instinct. You were gorgeous sitting in that bar. I had to have you. I imagined how beautiful you would look underneath me." You blushed at his straightforwardness.

"But as time has gone by, the feeling of wanting you all to myself has grown. It's more than just wanting you in my bed. It's wanting to give you the world because I'm afraid no one else would give you what you deserve. I want to be the one to give you everything. I love you, y/n."

You felt tears brimming in your eyes, threatening to spill down your cheeks at any given moment. You felt like you were dreaming. All of your fear and stress and anger about the current situation at hand had momentarily subsided. Jungkook was confessing his love for you.

"Please say something." He whispered, gently wiping your tear that had fallen with his thumb.

You held his hand in yours against your face. You smiled softly as you looked deeply into his brown eyes.

"I love you, Jeon Jungkook."

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