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The next few weeks were a blur. Between work and moving, you were exhausted.

On one hand, moving things into Jungkook's house from your apartment may have been the most tiring thing you had done in a while. But it was also the most exciting.

The two of you went over there twice a week with a pizza, a small bottle of wine, and a few boxes to pack your things in. You would both talk about your day, listen to music, and dance around while you attempted to make progress throughout the apartment.

On the other hand, however, work was not nearly as much fun.

Seokjin had been arrested that day on the plane. Kidnapping, trespassing, and aggravated assault were all charges he held under his belt now.

It saddened you to think about it. At one point in time, he was one of your closest friends.

The police had come to your job a few days after to collect his things. They said they needed to search everything for evidence of Jin's plan. Of course, people talked and stared and gossiped when they saw the police talking to you.

But you didn't care. You were safe and back where you needed to be.

Alyssa, who had been roped into Jin's horrible scheming from the beginning, was charged with assault and being an accessory to kidnapping.

You couldn't help but feel bad for her, even after all she had put you through. She didn't really want any of this. Jin had simply manipulated her emotions the whole time.

"Earth to y/n."

You jumped as Jungkook waved his hand gently back and forth in front of your face.

"Sorry. Spaced out a little. Where were we?"

Jungkook laughed and handed you a wine glass, filled a little less than halfway.

"We were celebrating taping that last box shut. We have officially packed every single item in this apartment. And I do not say that lightly." He looked at you sternly.

You widened your eyes and giggled as you took a sip of your wine, playfully hitting his arm. The two of you were still in your work attire, sitting on the floor of the emptied apartment.

"Are you saying I have a lot of stuff, sir? Because I can just unpack everything if you'd like me to."

He raised an eyebrow and pursed his lips, his eyes traveling down to your slightly exposed cleavage and back up to your gaze.

"Don't give me that look. I know what that look means." You warned, holding up a finger. You suddenly felt flushed in your cheeks.

"Oh, do you?" He teased, leaning forward to crawl to you.

"Yes. I do. Now, stop that before I lose the tiny shred of self-control that I have when I'm around you." Your ears were burning. You knew they had to be bright red at this point.

Jungkook continued until he was practically in your lap. He took your wine glass from you and set it on the floor beside you.

"It's funny you should say that." He gently laid you on your back and hovered over you until his lips were almost touching yours.

"I don't have any self-control around you, either."

You almost moaned.

"That's actually an understatement." He continued as his right hand started trailing down the curve of your hip.

"You actually drive me fucking wild."

This time, you did moan.

"Would you still like for me to stop?" He asked, grinning slowly.

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