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You jolted awake a few hours later, now in complete darkness. You were now covered with a small blanket, a sign that Tae had come to check on you at some point when you didn't come back out of your room.

You sat up and reached to turn on the lamp beside the bed, noticing a small note next to a now chilled cup of tea.

Didn't want to disturb you. Here's some honey tea in case you wake up soon. You know where I am if you need anything.

You smiled softly at the kind gesture. You stood up, stretched and yawned, and wandered into the bathroom. Even though it was almost 1 in the morning, you still decided to take a shower and put on a fresh set of pajamas.

After you had gotten comfortable and brushed your teeth, you climbed under the covers and grabbed your phone. Your eyes widened and your stomach dropped as you looked at all of the missed calls and texts.

You forgot to call Jungkook.

You scrambled to open your phone, immediately dialing his number and praying he was still awake.

"Well, well, well. I guess you do know how to listen after all."

You felt a wave of chills wash over you as his deep voice entered the speaker of your phone.

"Kookie, I'm so sorry. I fell asleep on the bed and didn't even shower or change clothes or anything and I didn't mean-"

"Stop." Jungkook cut you off abruptly. He was mad.

The two of you sat in silence for about 10 seconds before he spoke again.

"What I wouldn't give to be there right now." He said in a deep growl, teeth clenched.

You swallowed harshly, thinking carefully about your next words.

"What would you do to me?"

You heard him chuckle lowly from the other end of the phone.

"You really want to know, brat?"

"Yes sir."

Jungkook took a deep breath. You could hear him shuffling about briefly.

"I'd put a blindfold across those pretty eyes of yours, so you couldn't see me. Then I'd take your favorite ropes and tie you up nice and tight like my own little toy."

You could feel your breath picking up, imagining him doing all of these things to you. How he would take his time, teasing you for disobeying him. You were getting needier by the second.

"Then I'd bring you across my lap with that perfect ass on display for me, smacking it until it was red and bruised. You wouldn't know whether to beg me to stop or beg me keep going."

"What else?" You said in a hushed tone, trying not to let on that you were enjoying this.

"I guess then I'd put you in the middle of my bed, still tied up with no way to move. Hands behind your back, rope tied tight around your chest and body so I could use you however I wanted. Letting you lay there and take my cock so perfectly in that pretty pussy over and over. Edging you all night until I'm ready for you to cum. Making you cry out for me, screaming my name while I tease you for being such a bad girl.

"Jungkook." You all but moaned, realizing you had slipped your hand into the front of your panties.

"What, my little slut? Are you getting off on me telling you this?" He teased.

"Yes, baby. Keep going. I'm close."

Jungkook giggled then went quiet.

"I'll let your imagination help you finish. Or you can let your friend there help you." He whispered.

Your eyes shot open as your jaw dropped.

"I know you don't mean that."

"Usually I would say no, I don't mean that. But just this one time, I do. I'm not able to be there to take care of you and it's been a while since I've fucked you. I know how needy you get." He said with a smirk in his voice.

"So, it's okay with you if Tae fucks me tonight?" You asked, wanting to get as much clarification as possible.

"Yes baby. But hear me clearly. And make sure he knows this clearly. This is the last time something like this happens." He said, all playfulness in his voice gone.

"Yes sir." You answered, trying not to sound too excited. It was true, it had been a while since he had gotten to fuck you the way you truly wanted to be fucked. And by a while, it a had been a few days. Jungkook was right, you got needy very often.

"Try not to have too much fun. I'll talk to you in the morning. I love you, princess."

"I love you too, Kookie."

You hung up the phone, your stomach a cage of butterflies. How in the hell were you supposed to go wake Taehyung up and ask him to fuck you? AGAIN.

You took a deep breath and threw the covers back, stopping by the bathroom to check your reflection. Pleased with your appearance, you slowly made your way into the hallway, and across to Tae's room.

You put your ear to the door and heard faint snoring. Disappointment flooded your body as you started to turn back. He was asleep already which meant you couldn't have any fun.

Or did it?

You slowly opened his door and peeked in. True enough, Taehyung was asleep, his upper half shirtless and exposed from the covers. You felt yourself begin to get excited as you began to enact your plan.

You tiptoed over and crawled into the bed with him, never once disturbing him. Heavy sleeper.

You snuggled close to him and managed to slip his sweatpants down just below his ass.

"Tae." You whispered right next to his ear. You reached down and began pumping his cock slowly.

"Hmm." He hummed in a deep voice, not opening his eyes.

"Do you know who has their hand around your cock right now?" You whispered.

"Mmm. Y/n." He answered with a smirk, his cock hardening quickly.

You giggled quietly. He was still half asleep but somewhat aware of what was going on.

"Taehyung?" You said softly.

"Yes, baby?"

You stopped abruptly, looking at him with wide eyes. You knew he probably didn't mean it but the pet name drove you crazy. It made you even needier.

"Tae, I need you to fuck me."

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