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"Y/n, what are you doing?" Taehyung jumped, finally opening his eyes to look at you. He reached to turn on the lamp beside his bed.

"I told you. I need you to fuck me. Please." You said, still jerking him off slowly.

He let out a soft moan, closing his eyes at the feeling of your hand working him.

"You know those words drive me crazy. But this can't happen. Your boyfriend will kill me. And possibly you, too."

You giggled, moving to straddle his legs. You shuffled down slowly, moving the covers down with you until your head was nearly in his lap.

"Are you sure?" You whispered, letting out a soft breath against his cock.

"Damn it, y/n." He groaned, watching your every move.

You smirked as you kissed the tip of his cock, making his hips jerk forward slightly. You ran your tongue down his length, trying to tease him until he gave in.

"I wouldn't be doing this if I hadn't gotten permission first." You said, in between kisses to his now throbbing erection.

"He told you this was okay?" Taehyung asked, staring at your lips.

"Mmhmm." You paused your movements, making eye contact with him.

His eyes were heavy with seduction, wanting nothing more than to take you right then and there.

"But this is the last time. So we have to make it feel really fucking good." You said with a serious look on your face.

Taehyung tilted his head to the side, lips parted slightly as they slowly turned up into a grin. He reached down to run his hand across your cheek gently.

"Then I'm gonna take my time with you."

He sat up pulling you down to the bed so you were on your back. You felt excited but also nervous. You were used to being fucked hard and rough, which is how you liked it. You weren't used to someone taking it slow. But you also knew that Taehyung was experienced and knew what he was doing.

He hovered over you, his arms on both sides of your body, making your feel small and helpless under him. He smirked at you before leaning down to kiss you.

His lips met yours in a soft touch, over and over. He took his time as his lips worked his way down your jawline and to your neck. Every inch of your skin felt electrified with how gentle he was being.

"Can I taste you, baby?" He spoke into your neck, his voice deep and sultry.

"Yes." You moaned as his tongue slid across your skin.

Taehyung moved down your body, leaving a trail of kisses through the thin fabric of your shirt until he reached your silk pajama bottoms. He slid them slowly past your hips and down your legs, not once breaking eye contact with you.

His gaze finally rested at your lace covered core as he licked his lips. He hooked his thumbs around the band of your panties, pulling them down your legs ever so slowly.

He let out a deep groan at the sight of your glistening core, already so wet for him.

"Mmm. So pretty, baby." He whispered, pulling the lips of your pussy apart softly.

You watched him carefully, your breathing erratic. He slowly brought his tongue to your clit as he began tracing light circles around your skin. You bit your lip, trying not to show how obviously needy you were.

"Don't hold back, baby. Let me hear you." He whispered, his tongue still moving expertly at your core.

You let out a soft whimper at his words. The only other sounds in the room were the explicit sounds of his lips and tongue devouring you.

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