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"What are you doing here?!" You shouted in a hushed tone.

Jungkook smirked, seemingly unsurprised by the fact that you were standing here. "What do you mean? I'm the CEO of this place." He gestured around him.

Your jaw dropped as you stared at him in disbelief. There was no way this was happening. You felt like you were going to throw up.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait." You held your hand up, looking down at your feet as you took a deep breath. You were trying to process what all of this meant all at once and it was making you dizzy.

"You mean to tell me, that you're my new boss?" You asked, looking back up at him.

"In the flesh." He winked at you. "Did you sleep well?" He asked casually, motioning you to come into his office.

You blinked a couple of times before stepping into his office, wincing slightly as the door closed behind you.

"Uh, I guess so? Wait, why are you not as surprised or shocked or terrified about this as I am?" You asked, suddenly noticing his calm manner.

"Me? Unsurprised? No!" He placed a hand on his chest as if he was shocked that you thought he was calm. "What ever gave you that idea?"

"Maybe the fact that you're not visibly freaking out like I am?!" You whisper-yelled.

Jungkook giggled, showing his adorable bunny smile. It was one of your favorite things about him.

But you couldn't focus on how cute he was right now. Or the fact that he looked so damn good in his all black suit that was hugging his body so nicely.

"Jungkook..." you started, nervously.

"Yes, noona?"

You flinched at the word.

"See! That! That can't happen! We just started seeing each other and now you're my boss? How the fuck is this going to work?!" Your voice slowly started to get louder and louder.

Jungkook took a step toward you, closing the gap between the both of you. Your breath caught as he gripped your throat lightly.


You couldn't help but feel excited at his sudden actions as you immediately held onto his arm. Your pupils dilated as excitement coursed through your body. Jungkook noticed.

"This is going to work because we're going to separate work and play. Unless we decide otherwise." He responded as his eyes travelled down your body.

He released his grip on your throat, sending air rushing back into your lungs. He walked away from you, leaving you standing there hot and bothered.

Jungkook sat behind his desk, crossing one leg over the other before looking up at you. He motioned toward the seat across from him. "Please, have a seat."

You hesitated briefly before finally gathering your thoughts and sitting down. Jungkook smirked at you before getting things started.

To your surprise, he kept things incredibly professional. He went through all of your responsibilities that your job would require of you as well as your hours and your pay. It was you, however, that was finding a hard time concentrating.

You found yourself staring at his lips as he spoke, remembering how they felt against your skin just the night before. Your eyes wandered to his soft hair that was styled off of his forehead, how it had clung to beads of sweat on his face as he fucked you.

You could feel yourself getting flushed as the memories flooded into your mind. Jungkook could see it too. But the truth was, he loved how flustered he made you by doing absolutely nothing at all.

"Y/n?" Jungkook waved a hand in front of your face.

You shook your head slightly, realizing that he had asked you a question. And you hadn't heard the first word.

"I'm sorry, what?" You asked apologetically.

Jungkook smirked as he looked down at his desk. He began gathering up the papers he had been flipping through and placed them neatly into his desk drawer.

He got up and walked around the desk, leaning against it as he looked down at you.

"Distracted on our first day, are we?"

You swallowed harshly, suddenly remembering that he was in fact your boss.

"Not at all. It won't happen again." You bowed your head slightly.

You felt Jungkook hand softly tilt your head back up toward him. His eyes were laced with desire and need as he looked down at you, obedient and submissive just for him. It drove him wild.

"Be sure that it doesn't. Or I'll have to discipline you." He winked at you before walking toward the door.

You tried your best to regain your breathing before getting up to join him. You wanted him right then and there. But you knew you couldn't have him yet. So maybe a little teasing wouldn't hurt?

You gathered your things and walked past him as he opened the door for you.

"It's going to be a pleasure working with you, y/n." He stated loud enough and professional enough for any passing coworkers to hear.

"Agreed. Sir." You shook his outstretched hand as you watched his eyes darken. He licked his lips slowly, about to say something, just as you turned to walk away.

As you got about midway through the foyer, you "accidentally" dropped your notebooks right at your feet.

The oldest trick in the book.

You heard Jungkook start toward you from behind, most likely to come help you. But he stopped short just as you bent straight over to pick them up.

The slit in the back of your skirt was just high enough to tease him, but not quite enough to give him a clear view of anything. You glanced at him over your shoulder as you stood back up.

"Sorry about that, sir. I'll be going now." You winked casually before walking to the elevators, heels clicking mercilessly against the hard floor.

You stepped inside and turned to look at Jungkook as you waited for the elevator doors to close. He still stood in the door way of his office, shaking his head with his tongue poked into his jaw. His cock was noticeably hard, thanks to you.

You giggled as the doors finally closed. You let out a breath of excitement, still processing everything that had just happened. Your new boss was also your dom. Your brain was having a hard time wrapping around that one. How the hell was this going to work?

You felt your phone vibrate within your purse, pulling you out of your thoughts as you rode the elevator back down to the main lobby. It was a text from Jungkook.

He sent you an address. Nothing else. You looked at it, confused, before another text came through.

Jungkook: 7:00. Don't be late, princess.

You felt your stomach flip with excitement as you began typing your response.

Y/n: Yes sir.

Jungkook: You're gonna regret teasing daddy like that.

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