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3 amazing weeks had gone by since you had started your newfound relationship with Jungkook. During the course of that time, the two of you had learned a lot about each other.

You, of course, learned the basics about each other: favorite foods, favorite color, favorite things to do, hobbies, etc. But you also learned more personal things about each other.

For example, you learned that Jungkook preferred to be called 'Sir' over anything else. You didn't mind that one either. 'Daddy' wasn't really your style.

You also learned that he took this relationship very seriously. He had taken the time to explain to you that his past sub/dom relationships didn't work out because his counterpart always thought it was just sex. Therefore, they always thought they could do whatever they wanted with whomever they wanted to do it with. And Jungkook didn't feel the same way.

So he made it very clear to you that this was, in fact, more than just sex.

Outside of your sub/dom relationship, he was nearly perfect. He made sure to shower you with love and affection every chance he got, told you how much he missed you when the two of you had been apart for a while, and even sent you flowers a couple of times.

The two of you also went over limits. What was okay and what wasn't okay, both outside of the bedroom as well as in the bedroom. You established a safe word, which was a key factor in order for this to work properly. And so far, everything was going beautifully.

That is, until you ran into him, again.

It was late on a Sunday afternoon, around 4:00. You hadn't seen Jungkook today, only a few flirtatious text messages back and forth. He had been busy with things to take care of at work, being the CEO and all, so you hadn't gotten a chance to see him very much this weekend.

You decided to go to a small café down the street from your apartment just to get some fresh air. It wasn't very far and it was a beautiful afternoon, so you decided to walk.

After ordering just a simple hot chocolate to keep you warm, you picked a table by the window and got comfortable. You snapped a quick picture of your table and sent it to Jungkook, telling him you missed him. Almost immediately, he responded and told you he wished he was with you. You smiled as you locked your phone. You had brought one of your favorite books and decided to get caught up on some reading.

Your mind traveled to a different reality as you became absorbed in your book, barely noticing when the barista brought you your hot chocolate. Reading was one of your favorite escapes. It allowed you to leave your responsibilities and worries behind while you dwelled in your imagination. Even if only for a short period of time.


You jumped at the sound of your name, turning to see none other than Taehyung, the hot bartender from a few weeks ago.

"Taehyung? What are you doing here?" You asked, trying not to stare. He was wearing a white v-neck T-shirt that showed off his flawless collarbones, a pair of brown, baggy windpants, paired with a brown beret that rested on his soft brown locks. He looked absolutely stunning.

"Well, I was out for a stroll and I passed by when I saw you through the window. I couldn't see such a gorgeous face again and not stop to speak." He replied, giving you a quick wink.

You felt your cheeks heat up at his response, looking down at your book quickly. You marked your place before softly closing it as Taehyung sat opposite of you.

"Well thank you. And hey, I'm really sorry about that night at the bar. I didn't mean to know...use you?" You laughed nervously as you recalled how you had flirted with Taehyung to get back at Jungkook.

He looked at you from across the small table, his eyes piercing yours. He licked his lips before smirking slightly.

"As long as it's you, use me all you want, babygirl."

You coughed, nearly choking on the sip of hot chocolate you had taken. He giggled quietly as he watched you.

"Taehyung you-"

He held up one hand to you, cutting you off.

"Call me Tae, love."

This man.

"Tae. You can't just say stuff like that. I have a pretty protective boyfriend. He gets jealous easily." You looked at him, taking in his beautiful features. He was much more beautiful in direct sunlight rather than the dimly lit bar.

"Oh, I know. I saw how he practically drug you away that night."

Your mind recalled that night and how angry Jungkook had been. You then felt your stomach drop once you realized how angry he would be if he knew about you and Taehyung sitting here together.

"Listen, Tae, I really should be going. It was really nice to see you again though." You offered politely, gathering your things quickly.

"Where are you going in such a hurry, baby?"

You froze in place, that familiar velvet voice sending chills down your spine. You could almost feel the color drain from your face as you felt a mixture of fear and panic wash over you. You turned slightly to see Jungkook, smiling with his hands tucked into his jean pockets. His face was relaxed, but you knew better. He was furious on the inside.

"I was just, um, leaving." You mumbled.

"Before introducing me to your friend here? That's not very polite." Jungkook shook his head at you before turning to face Taehyung. "We didn't get a chance to properly meet. I'm Jungkook."

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