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"Hey, y/n. Come on in."

Taehyung greeted you with a warm smile as he motioned for you to enter his front door. You turned to wave goodbye to Jin who had dropped you off at Tae's house, per Jungkook's request. You found it sweet that he waited for you to get inside before he left.

"Thank you again for being so understanding about this, Tae." You said, placing your bags in the corner before walking to sit in the lounge chair opposite of him. You looked around in awe at how huge and beautiful his house was.

"I gotta be honest, y/n. I thought it was a set up at first." He said with a giggle.

You stared at him in shock and confusion.

"A set up? How do you mean?"

"Come on. It was already...odd...what all three of us did together when he seemed so protective of you. And then I didn't hear from you anymore after that. So when you called me out of nowhere and asked to come stay with me for a while, my first instinct was to think that your boyfriend wanted to hurt me." Tae explained.

You couldn't help but let out a series of giggles at the thought of Jungkook randomly wanting to get at Taehyung for fucking you when he was the one that suggested it.

"I can understand where you're coming from Tae, but trust me. Jungkook is just kinky like I am. He just wanted to try out a new kink and you were the lucky winner. He's not holding it against you, I promise."

Tae smiled and nodded, processing your words.

"Well make yourself at home and comfortable. I'm not sure how long you need to stay or even why you need to stay, but I figure you'll tell me if you want to and you're welcome to stay as long as you want." He said as he stood up to walk to the kitchen.

"Thanks, Tae. I really appreciate it. By the way, your house is gorgeous. And huge. There's no way you're just a bartender." You called after him.

You heard him laugh. "Thanks. I manage."

You pulled out your phone from your pocket and opened your messages. You promised Jungkook you would text him when you got to Taehyung's house so he would know you were safe.

Y/n: Made it. I miss you already.

Jungkook's response was almost immediate. You knew he had been watching his phone, waiting for you to text him.

Kookie: I miss you too, baby. But you're safer this way.

He was right. Alyssa had no way of knowing who Taehyung was so it was safer for you to stay with him until she was caught. You knew Jungkook was right, but you still missed him.

Y/n: I'll call you before bed tonight. I love you, Kookie.

"Do you want some tea, Y/n?" Taehyung called from the kitchen.

"That sounds great. Can I shower first?" You answered, looking around for the bathroom. Your phone buzzed in your lap again, drawing your attention away from whatever Taehyung had answered.

Kookie: Don't keep me waiting.

Your stomach flipped, almost forgetting that he was still your dom, no matter who you were around. Your phone buzzing once again made a smile slowly spread across your lips.

Kookie: I love you too, princess.

Y/n: Yes sir.

"Ah, so that's why I didn't get a response."

You jumped upon hearing Taehyung's voice right next to you, unaware that he had entered the room.

"Fuck. Sorry. What did you say?" You rattled, locking your phone quickly.

Taehyung giggled, walking over to pick up your bags.

"Come on, I'll show you your room. There's a bathroom in there that you can shower in."

You stood up and followed him down the hallway, feeling like an embarrassed idiot. You stopped to admire the paintings hanging on the walls as you walked by.

"Did you paint these?"

Taehyung turned to look at you, his brown hair bouncing slightly. He smiled a wide, boxy grin that made his nose crinkle just slightly. You were almost taken back by how handsome he was.

"I'm flattered, but no. I bought these from local artists. I like to support aspiring artists." He said, turning to walk down the hallway once again.

You smiled, feeling grateful for how comfortable you felt around Tae. Maybe it was the fact that the two of you had fucked with your boyfriend in the room, but there was something about him that gave off this sense of comfortability. Being around him felt natural.

He opened a door on the right at the end of the hallway and motioned for you to go inside. You happily obliged and plopped down on the queen sized bed.

"I'll leave you to get situated." Taehyung said with a grin as he set your bags next to the bed.

"Thanks, Tae. I really mean it. Thank you for all of this. I would tell you what's going on, but I feel like it's better if I don't for now." You said quietly, sitting up.

"I understand. I'm here for whatever you need. I'm right across the hall if you need anything. And I'll go make you some tea so it'll be ready when you get out of the shower. The bathroom is right over there and the towels and everything are above the sink."

You gave him a soft smile and nodded.

He patted the top of your head and turned to walk out of the room, closing the door behind him.

You laid back on the bed, taking a deep breath. You stared at the ceiling, wondering how things had gotten so complicated, so fast.

Not only were you not going to be able to see or stay with Jungkook, but you couldn't go to work either. If Alyssa found out that you worked with Jungkook too, she could easily be waiting for you there. You pretty much had to stay in this house which was going to end up driving you crazy.

"Fuck my life." You whispered.

You laid there for a moment, listening to the low hum of the ceiling fan as you slowly drifted off to sleep.

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